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Showing words for CHARY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Chary
4 Letter Words for Chary
3 Letter Words for Chary
Definitions for Chary
[1] cautious or careful; wary: He was chary of investing in oil wells.
[2] shy; timid.
[3] fastidious; choosy: She is excessively chary about her friends.
[4] sparing (often followed by of ): chary of his praise.
[5] wary; careful
[6] choosy; finicky
[7] shy
[8] sparing; mean
Words related to Chary
cagey, calculating, canny, circumspect, considerate, discreet, economical, fastidious, frugal, gingerly, guarded, heedful, hesitant, inhibited, leery, loath, miserly, particular, prudent, reluctant
Words nearby Chary
chartwell, charvaka, charver, charvet, charwoman, chary, charybdis, chas., chase, chase mortise, chaser
Origin of Chary
before 1000; Middle English; Old English cearig sorrowful (c(e)ar(u ) care + -ig -y1); cognate with Old Saxon karag, Old High German karag (German karg scanty, paltry)
Other words from Chary
char·i·ly , adverb
un·char·y , adjective
Word origin for Chary
Old English cearig; related to caru care , Old High German charag sorrowful
Synonyms for Chary
cagey, calculating, canny, circumspect, considerate, constrained, discreet, economical, fastidious, frugal, gingerly, guarded, heedful, hesitant, inhibited, leery, loath, miserly, particular, prudent, reluctant, restrained, safe, scrupulous, sparing, stingy, suspicious, thrifty, uneasy, wary, watchful