8 Letter Words for Chastise
chastise, taisches
7 Letter Words for Chastise
achiest, aitches, ascites, ashiest, cassite, chaises, ectasis, sachets, saithes, scaiths, scathes, stashie, taishes
6 Letter Words for Chastise
ascite, ashets, asseth, assith, caisse, cashes, casshe, cassie, castes, cestas, chaise, chases, chasse, chaste, cheats, chests, cistae, citess, ethics, hastes, heasts, heists, hestia, itches, sachet, saices, saithe, saiths, scaith, scathe, scaths, scheat, schist, sciath, sestia, shiest, siesta, sieths, sithes, stichs, taches, taisch, tashes, tashie, tassie, teaish, thecia, theics, thesis, tiches
5 Letter Words for Chastise
aches, acies, aitch, ashes, ashet, asset, cases, casse, caste, casts, cates, cesta, cesti, chais, chait, chase, chass, chati, chats, cheat, chess, chest, chias, chits, cista, cists, cites, easts, ethic, haste, hates, heast, heats, heist, hests, hiate, hists, iches, ishes, saice, saics, saist, saith, sates, satis, scase, scath, scats, sceat, seats, sects, sesti, sheas, sheat, shets, shice, shies, shist, shita, shits, sices, sicht, siest, sieth, sitch, sites, sithe, stash, stchi, stech, stich, sties, taces, tache, tachi, tachs, taich, taise, taish, tasse, tchai, teach, techs, theca, theia, theic, tices
4 Letter Words for Chastise
aces, ache, acth, acts, aith, aits, asci, asse, assi, asst, ates, atis, case, cash, cass, cast, cate, cath, cats, ceas, cess, cest, ceti, chai, chas, chat, chia, chis, chit, cist, cite, cits, each, east, eath, eats, echt, esca, ests, etas, etch, eths, etic, haec, haes, hait, hast, hate, hats, heat, hest, hets, hics, hies, hiss, hist, hits, ices, ichs, isth, itas, itch, sacs, saic, sais, sash, sate, sati, scat, scet, scsi, seah, seas, seat, sech, secs, sect, seis, seit, seta, seth, sets, shea, shes, shet, shia, shit, sice, sich, sics, sise, sish, sist, sita, site, sith, sits, stie, tace, tach, tais, tash, tass, tche, teas, teca, tech, thae, thai, thea, this, tice, tich, tics, ties, tshi, tsia
3 Letter Words for Chastise
ace, ach, act, aes, ahi, ahs, ais, ait, ase, ash, ass, ast, ate, cai, cat, cha, che, chi, chs, cia, cie, cis, cit, csi, cst, cte, cts, eas, eat, ech, ect, ehs, esc, ess, est, eta, etc, eth, hae, has, hat, hei, hes, het, hia, hic, hie, his, hit, hts, ice, ich, ihs, ise, ish, ist, ita, its, sac, sah, sai, sat, sch, sci, sct, sea, sec, sei, set, sha, she, shi, sht, sic, sie, sis, sit, sse, ssh, sta, tai, tas, tch, tea, tec, tes, tha, the, tic, tie, tis, tsh, tsi, tss
Definitions for Chastise
[1] to discipline, especially by corporal punishment.
[2] to criticize severely.
[3] Archaic . to restrain; chasten.
[4] Archaic . to refine; purify.
[5] to discipline or punish, esp by beating
[6] to scold severely
Words related to Chastise
punish, censure, berate, upbraid, castigate, lash, flog, ream, chasten, pummel, scourge, beat, spank, baste, thrash, correct, whip, ferule, skelp
Words nearby Chastise
chassis, chassé, chaste, chaste tree, chasten, chastise, chastisement, chastity, chastity belt, chasuble, chat
Origin of Chastise
1275–1325; Middle English chastisen, equivalent to chasti(en ) to chasten + -s- < ? + -en infinitive suffix
Other words from Chastise
chas·tis·a·ble , adjective
chas·tise·ment [chas -tiz-muh nt, chas-tahyz -] /ˈtʃæs tɪz mənt, tʃæsˈtaɪz-/ , noun
chas·tis·er , noun
non·chas·tise·ment , noun
self-chas·tise , verb (used with object), self·-chas·tised, self·-chas·tis·ing.
self-chas·tise·ment , noun
un·chas·tis·a·ble , adjective
un·chas·tised , adjective
un·chas·tis·ing , adjective
Word origin for Chastise
C14 chastisen, irregularly from chastien to chasten
Synonyms for Chastise
berate, castigate, censure, flog, lash, punish, upbraid, baste, beat, chasten, correct, pummel, ream, scourge, spank, thrash, whip, chew out, climb all over, ferule, lay into, lean on, skelp, slap down