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Showing words for CHEAP using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Cheap
4 Letter Words for Cheap
3 Letter Words for Cheap
Definitions for Cheap
[1] costing very little; relatively low in price; inexpensive: a cheap dress.
[2] costing little labor or trouble: Words are cheap.
[3] charging low prices: a very cheap store.
[4] of little account; of small value; mean; shoddy: cheap conduct; cheap workmanship.
[5] embarrassed; sheepish: He felt cheap about his mistake.
[6] obtainable at a low rate of interest: when money is cheap.
[7] of decreased value or purchasing power, as currency depreciated due to inflation.
[8] stingy; miserly: He's too cheap to buy his own brother a cup of coffee.
[9] at a low price; at small cost: He is willing to sell cheap.
[10] cheap at twice the price , exceedingly inexpensive: I found this old chair for eight dollars—it would be cheap at twice the price.
[11] on the cheap , Informal . inexpensively; economically: She enjoys traveling on the cheap.
[12] costing relatively little; inexpensive; good value
[13] charging low prices a cheap hairdresser
[14] of poor quality; shoddy cheap furniture ; cheap and nasty
[15] worth relatively little promises are cheap
[16] not worthy of respect; vulgar
[17] ashamed; embarrassed to feel cheap
[18] stingy; miserly
[19] informal mean; despicable a cheap liar
[20] cheap as chips See chip (def. 11)
[21] dirt cheap informal extremely inexpensive
[22] on the cheap British informal at a low cost
[23] at very little cost
Words related to Cheap
low-cost, reasonable, low-priced, competitive, economical, poor, bad, dirty, tight, bargain, budget, buy, irregular, moderate, nominal, reduced, sale, standard, steal, utility
Words nearby Cheap
chb, chd, che, che guevara, che sarà sarà, cheap, cheap at twice the price, cheap out, cheap shot, cheap skate, cheap-jack
Origin of Cheap
before 900; Middle English cheep (short for phrases, as good cheep cheap, literally, good bargain), Old English cēap bargain, market, trade; cognate with German Kauf, Old Norse kaup; all < Latin caupō innkeeper, tradesman; see chapman
Other words from Cheap
cheap·ish , adjective
cheap·ish·ly , adverb
cheap·ly , adverb
cheap·ness , noun
o·ver·cheap , adjective
o·ver·cheap·ly , adverb
o·ver·cheap·ness , noun
un·cheap·ly , adverb
Word origin for Cheap
Old English ceap barter, bargain, price, property; related to Old Norse kaup bargain, Old High German kouf trade, Latin caupō innkeeper
Synonyms for Cheap
competitive, economical, low-cost, low-priced, reasonable, at a bargain, bargain, bargain-basement, bargain-counter, bought for a song, budget, buy, cheapo, cost next to nothing, cut-price, cut-rate, depreciated, dime a dozen, easy on the pocketbook, half-priced, irregular, low tariff, lowered, marked down, moderate, nominal, on sale, popularly priced, real buy, reduced, sale, slashed, standard, steal, uncostly, undear, utility, worth the money