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Showing words for CHECKMATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Checkmate
7 Letter Words for Checkmate
6 Letter Words for Checkmate
5 Letter Words for Checkmate
4 Letter Words for Checkmate
3 Letter Words for Checkmate
Definitions for Checkmate
[1] Also called mate. Chess . an act or instance of maneuvering the opponent's king into a check from which it cannot escape, thus bringing the game to a victorious conclusion. the position of the pieces when a king is checkmated.
[2] a complete check; defeat: His efforts to escape met with a checkmate.
[3] Chess . to maneuver (an opponent's king) into a check from which it cannot escape; mate.
[4] to check completely; defeat: Napoleon was checkmated at Waterloo.
[5] Chess . (used by a player to announce that he or she has put the opponent's king into inextricable check.)
[6] chess the winning position in which an opponent's king is under attack and unable to escape the move by which this position is achieved
[7] utter defeat
[8] chess to place (an opponent's king) in checkmate
[9] to thwart or render powerless
[10] chess a call made when placing an opponent's king in checkmate
Words related to Checkmate
thwart, stop, undo, frustrate, baffle, outwit, conquer, gain, defeat, corner, triumph, vanquish
Words nearby Checkmate
checkerwork, checkhook, checking account, checklist, checkmark, checkmate, checkoff, checkout, checkpoint, checkpoint charlie, checkrail
Origin of Checkmate
1300–50; Middle English chek mat(e ) < Middle French escec mat < Arabic shāh māt < Persian: literally, the king (is) checked, nonplussed
Other words from Checkmate
un·check·mat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Checkmate
C14: from Old French eschec mat, from Arabic shāh māt, the king is dead; see check
Synonyms for Checkmate
baffle, conquer, corner, defeat, frustrate, gain, outwit, stop, thwart, triumph, undo, vanquish