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Showing words for CHECKUP using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Checkup
5 Letter Words for Checkup
4 Letter Words for Checkup
3 Letter Words for Checkup
Definitions for Checkup
[1] a comprehensive physical examination: He went to the doctor for a checkup.
[2] an examination or close scrutiny, as for verification, accuracy, or comparison: They gave the motor a checkup.
[3] an examination to see if something is in order
[4] med a medical examination, esp one taken at regular intervals to verify a normal state of health or discover a disease in its early stages
[5] (intr, adverb sometimes foll by on ) to investigate or make an inquiry into (a person's character, evidence, etc), esp when suspicions have been aroused
Words related to Checkup
inspection, scan, exam, study, probe, scrutiny, test, view
Words nearby Checkup
checkrail, checkrein, checkroom, checkrow, checks and balances, checkup, checkweighman, checkwriter, checky, cheddar, cheddar pink
Origin of Checkup
1885–90, Americanism ; noun use of verb phrase check up
Synonyms for Checkup
inspection, scan, exam, probe, scrutiny, study, test, view, looking over