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Showing words for CHEERY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Cheery
cheery, reechy
5 Letter Words for Cheery
cheer, chere, herye, reech, yeech
4 Letter Words for Cheery
cere, chee, cher, chry, eche, eech, eyer, eyre, heer, here, hery, yech, yere
3 Letter Words for Cheery
cee, cer, che, cry, ech, eec, eer, ere, eye, eyr, hee, her, hey, hye, rec, ree, reh, rhe, rhy, rye, yee, yeh, yer
Definitions for Cheery
[1] in good spirits; cheerful; happy.
[2] promoting cheer; enlivening.
[3] showing or inspiring cheerfulness
Words related to Cheery
pleasant, bright, lively, happy, sprightly
Words nearby Cheery
cheerleading, cheerless, cheerly, cheero, cheers, cheery, cheese, cheese cutter, cheese eater, cheese fries, cheese it
Origin of Cheery
First recorded in 1840–50; cheer + -y1
Other words from Cheery
cheer·i·ly , adverb
cheer·i·ness , noun
un·cheer·i·ly , adverb
un·cheer·i·ness , noun
un·cheer·y , adjective