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Showing words for CHEMOSYNTHESIS using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis


11 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

henotheisms, menoschesis, mochinesses

10 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

centesimos, chestiness, citynesses, coyishness, cystinoses, ecosystems, henotheism, hessonites, homishness, ichthyoses, mesothesis, shoeshines, stonesmich, synoecisms, synthesism, toyishness

9 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

centesimo, chemonite, chymosins, comtesses, coynesses, cysteines, cytosines, ecosystem, eschynite, essonites, hemisects, hemocytes, hessonite, homesites, homeyness, honesties, hotnesses, hyoscines, icestones, ichthyses, isocymene, mestinoes, mischosen, mochiness, moistness, necessism, necessist, necessity, onychites, ossements, schistose, scythemen, secession, seicentos, semitones, shochetim, shoeshine, shoesmith, stonishes, synechist, synoecism, syntheses, synthesis, systemics, techiness, thymosins

8 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

cenosite, cenosity, centesis, centimes, centimos, cessions, cessment, cestoses, chemises, chemists, chemoses, chemosis, chessist, chessmen, chimneys, chintses, chymists, chymosin, citesses, citoyens, cityness, coesites, cohenite, comtesse, consists, coseiest, cosmeses, cosmesis, cosmists, cysteine, cysteins, cystines, cytosine, echoisms, echoists, enosises, essonite, essoynes, esthesio, esthesis, ethnoses, etymonic, eyeshots, hemiones, hemisect, hemitone, hemocyte, hessites, histones, hoistmen, homesite, hymnists, hyoscine, icestone, inmeshes, isohyets, mcintosh, mensches, meshiest, messiest, mestesos, mestinos, methyses, methysis, metisses, mischose, missense, mochiest, moistens, monishes, moschine, mosesite, mossiest, mostness, nicesome, noesises, notechis, onychite, schemist, schmeiss, scotsmen, sections, seicento, semicone, seminess, seminose, semioses, semitone, senecios, sentimos, sestines, shochets, sistence, sistency, sithence, snitches, sonsiest, stemsons, stenches, stenoses, stenosis, syenites, syntheme, systemic, technism, tenesmic, thisness, thymines, thymosin, toisechs, tychisms, yosemite

7 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

cements, cenotes, centesm, centime, centimo, cession, chemins, chemise, chemist, chenets, chesses, chesset, chessom, chimney, chinese, chitons, chitose, chymist, citoyen, coesite, comites, conessi, consist, contise, coseism, cosines, cosmete, cosmine, cosmist, cossets, cosshen, cossies, costeen, cothish, cotises, coyness, cymenes, cystein, cystine, cystose, cytosin, echites, echoism, echoist, emetics, emetins, enchest, encysts, enocyte, enosist, entheos, entices, entomic, eonisms, eosines, essency, essoins, essoyne, ethenic, ethions, ethmose, ethnics, ethnish, ethoses, ethynes, etymons, eyeshot, hemione, hencote, henotic, hessite, histone, hitches, hoeshin, homiest, homines, honesty, hontish, hosemen, hostess, hotches, hotness, hymenic, hymnist, ichthys, incests, inchest, incomes, inocyte, insects, inseems, isoetes, isohyet, meineys, meioses, menshes, menyies, mesonic, messtin, mesteno, mesteso, mestino, methine, methone, metisse, metochy, metonic, miocene, misseen, missees, missent, missets, mistone, mitches, mitoses, mnestic, moisten, moneses, moneths, monists, monties, mossies, mycetes, mycoses, mycosin, mycosis, myosins, myotics, mysosts, mystics, nemesic, nemesis, neocyte, neshest, nesiote, noetics, nosiest, notches, notices, noyeses, oecists, omneity, omniety, onetime, oscines, osmesis, osmetic, osseins, ossetic, oyesses, scenist, scenite, schemes, schesis, schisms, schists, schmoes, scotism, scythes, section, sectism, seiches, seitens, semeion, semihot, semises, semites, senecio, senseis, sensism, sensist, sentimo, session, sestine, sestons, setness, shemite, shimose, shiness, shochet, shtchee, shtchis, shyness, siemens, sissone, sitcoms, sithens, smectis, smeeths, sneesty, snitchy, societe, society, somites, sonties, stemson, stenchy, sthenic, stichos, stonies, stonish, stymies, sycones, sycoses, sycosis, syenite, syncoms, syneses, synesis, synetic, systems, techies, technos, tecomin, teenish, temenos, tenches, tensome, theines, theisms, thissen, thymene, thymine, tinseys, tocsins, toisech, tomines, tonemes, tonemic, tychism

6 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

ceinte, cement, cenote, censes, centos, cesses, cessio, cestoi, ceston, cestos, cheesy, chemin, chemis, chemos, chenet, cheson, chests, chesty, cheths, chimes, chines, chinos, chinse, chints, chithe, chiton, choise, chosen, choses, chymes, citess, cnemis, cohens, coisns, cometh, comets, comint, comite, comity, comtes, coneys, conite, contes, cosets, coseys, coshes, cosine, cosins, cosses, cosset, cossie, costes, coteen, cotise, coyest, coyish, ctenes, cyeses, cyesis, cymene, cymose, cynism, cystin, cystis, cytome, cytone, cytons, ecesis, echoes, echoey, emesis, emetic, emetin, emotes, encist, encomy, encyst, enmesh, enmist, enmity, enmoss, enoses, enosis, entice, enties, eoiths, eonism, eosine, eosins, eothen, escots, esnecy, essoin, estocs, etches, ethics, ethine, ethion, ethnic, ethnos, ethyne, etymic, etymon, eyeish, hechts, heists, hemine, hemins, hences, henism, hethen, himene, hincty, hishes, hisses, histon, hitchy, hithes, hoises, hoists, homeys, hominy, homish, honest, honeys, hoseys, hosses, hostie, hyenic, hymens, hymnic, hysons, hythes, icemen, icones, incest, inches, income, inmesh, inmost, insect, inseem, insets, inshoe, iscose, isonym, itches, meiney, meiths, menise, mensch, menses, mensis, menthe, mentis, mentos, menyie, meshes, mesion, mesnes, mesons, mesost, messes, messet, messin, methos, metics, miches, minces, mioses, missee, misses, misset, mnesic, mochie, moiest, moiety, moists, moisty, monest, moneth, moneys, monies, monish, monist, montes, months, moseys, moshes, mosses, mossie, mostic, moyite, mycose, myoses, myosin, myosis, myotic, myotis, mysost, mystes, mystic, mythic, mythoi, mythos, neomys, nesses, nessie, nicest, nicety, niches, nichts, nieces, nisses, noctis, noeses, noesis, noetic, noises, noshes, nosies, nosism, nosite, nostic, notchy, notice, octene, octine, octyne, oecist, omnist, oneism, onethe, onsets, onsite, oscine, osmics, osmite, ossein, ossete, ostein, ostmen, ostsis, oyeses, scenes, scents, scheme, schemy, schene, schism, schist, schone, scient, scions, scones, scythe, secesh, secess, secohm, seiche, seines, seises, seisms, seiten, semens, sement, semies, semite, semois, semsen, sencio, sensei, senses, seston, setons, setose, seyens, shchis, sheens, sheeny, sheesh, sheets, sheety, shiest, shines, shinto, shinty, shists, shmoes, shohet, shotes, shtchi, shyest, shyish, sients, sieths, simcon, simeon, simony, simson, sintoc, sisten, sitcom, sithen, sithes, smeech, smeeth, smethe, smitch, smites, smiths, smithy, sneesh, sneest, snitch, snithe, snithy, socies, socmen, somite, sonces, sonics, sonses, sonsie, sothic, sothis, steems, steens, steins, stemes, stench, stenos, sthene, stheno, stichs, stimes, stoics, stones, stymes, stymie, sycees, sychee, sycite, syncom, synths, system, sythes, techie, techne, techno, temses, tenses, tessin, theics, theine, theins, theism, themes, themis, thence, theses, thesis, thyine, thymes, thymic, thymin, thysen, tiches, timons, tinsey, tmeses, tmesis, tocsin, toises, tomish, toneme, tonics, tonies, tonish, toshes, tossen, tosses, toyish, toymen, yemeni, yenite, yentes, yeomen, yesses, yshent

5 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

ceint, cense, centi, cento, cents, cesse, ceste, cesti, cetes, cetin, cheet, chemo, chese, chess, chest, cheth, chien, chime, chimo, chine, chino, chins, chint, chios, chits, chons, chose, chyme, cines, cions, cists, citee, cites, cohen, coins, coiny, coits, comes, comet, comte, cones, const, consy, conte, cosen, coses, coset, cosey, cosie, cosin, cosse, coste, costs, cotes, cothe, coths, cothy, csnet, ctene, ctimo, cymes, cysts, cytes, cyton, eches, eemis, emits, emony, emote, enemy, enets, enoch, ensis, entom, entsi, entsy, eoith, eosin, escot, eshin, esnes, essen, esses, estoc, etens, ethic, ethos, eyess, eyots, hechs, hecht, hecte, heist, hemen, hemes, hemic, hemin, hence, hents, hests, hetes, heths, hicht, hiems, himne, hinch, hiney, hints, hissy, hists, hitch, hithe, hoise, hoist, homes, homey, hones, honey, hosen, hoses, hosey, hosts, hotch, hotei, hoten, hsien, hyens, hymen, hymns, hyson, hythe, iches, ichth, icons, imcnt, imshy, ineye, insee, inset, ishes, isthm, itchy, items, itemy, mecon, meech, meeth, meets, meins, meint, meiny, meith, menes, mense, mensh, mento, meses, meshy, mesic, mesne, meson, messe, messy, mesto, metes, metho, meths, metic, metis, meynt, miche, micht, micos, miens, mince, mincy, mines, minos, minot, mints, minty, misce, mises, misos, missy, mists, misty, mitch, mites, moche, mochs, mochy, moise, moist, moits, moity, money, monic, monie, monte, month, monty, moses, mosey, mossy, moste, mosts, moten, motes, motey, moths, mothy, moyen, mysis, mythi, myths, neems, neist, nemos, nests, nesty, netes, niche, nicht, niece, nisse, nitch, nitos, nocht, noemi, nohes, noise, noisy, nomes, nomic, noses, notch, notes, noyes, nymss, oches, ocyte, ohmic, oints, omens, omits, omnes, onces, oncet, onset, ontic, oscin, osmic, osmin, osset, scene, scent, schmo, scion, scone, scote, scots, scyes, secno, secos, sects, seech, seems, seine, seise, seism, seity, semen, semes, semic, semie, semih, semis, sence, senit, sense, senso, sente, senti, sents, sesey, sesti, seton, seyen, shchi, sheen, sheet, shent, sheth, shets, shice, shies, shims, shine, shins, shiny, shish, shisn, shist, shits, shoes, shone, shote, shots, sices, sicht, siens, sient, siest, sieth, simon, since, sines, sinhs, sises, sison, sissy, sists, sitch, sites, sithe, smees, smeth, smich, smite, smith, smits, smote, smyth, snees, snies, snite, snits, snots, snyes, socht, somet, somne, sonce, soncy, sones, sonic, sonse, sonsy, sosie, soths, sotie, stchi, stech, steem, steen, stein, steme, stems, steno, stens, stich, sties, stime, stine, stion, stoic, stone, stony, stosh, stoss, styme, sycee, syces, sycon, syens, syncs, synes, synth, sysin, sythe, techs, techy, tecon, teems, teens, teeny, teise, temes, temin, temse, tench, tenes, tenio, tense, tenso, thees, theic, thein, theme, thens, theos, these, thine, thins, thisn, thone, those, thyme, thyms, tices, tichy, tiens, times, timon, tines, tinsy, toise, tomes, tomin, tones, toney, tonic, toses, toshy, tossy, tsine, tyche, tyees, tynes, yechs, yeech, yemen, yente, yeses, yesso, yests, yetis, yince, yinst, yites, yomin, yonic, yonis

4 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

cees, cene, cens, cent, cess, cest, cete, ceti, chee, chem, chen, chih, chin, chis, chit, chmn, chon, choy, cine, cion, cist, cite, cito, cits, city, coes, coin, coit, come, coms, cone, coni, cons, cont, cony, cose, cosh, coss, cost, cote, coth, cots, coyn, coys, cyme, cyon, cyst, cyte, eche, echo, echt, econ, ecto, eech, eine, emes, emic, emit, emos, emys, ency, enes, ense, ento, eons, eses, esne, esse, ests, etch, eten, ethe, eths, etic, eton, etym, eyen, eyes, eyne, eyot, hech, hehs, heme, hems, hens, hent, hest, hete, heth, hets, heys, hics, hies, hims, hine, hins, hint, hish, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hoch, hoes, hoey, hohs, hoin, hoit, home, hone, hons, hont, hose, hoss, host, hote, hoth, hoti, hots, hoys, hyen, hyes, hymn, hyne, hyte, ices, icho, ichs, icon, inch, inst, into, iocs, ions, isms, ismy, isnt, isos, isth, itch, item, itmo, itsy, mech, meet, mein, meio, mene, meno, mens, ment, meny, mese, mesh, meso, mess, mest, mete, meth, mets, mhos, mice, mico, mics, mien, mine, mino, mins, mint, miny, misc, miso, miss, mist, misy, mite, mity, moch, mocs, moes, moet, moit, mone, mons, mont, mony, mose, mosh, moss, most, mote, moth, mots, moys, msec, mycs, myst, myth, neem, neet, nemo, nese, nesh, ness, nest, nete, neth, neti, nets, nice, nies, nims, nist, nito, nits, noes, nome, noms, nose, nosh, nosy, note, nots, noys, nsec, nyes, nyet, oche, ochs, ocht, oeci, ohms, oime, oint, omen, omit, omni, once, ones, onst, onym, oses, osse, otic, otis, oyes, scet, scho, scot, scsi, scye, scyt, sech, seco, secs, sect, secy, seem, seen, sees, seis, seit, seme, semi, sene, sens, sent, sese, sess, seth, sets, seys, shee, shem, shes, shet, shih, shim, shin, shit, shmo, shoe, shot, sice, sich, sics, sien, sime, sims, sine, sinh, sins, sion, sise, sish, siss, sist, site, sith, sits, smee, snee, snit, snot, snye, soce, socs, some, soms, sone, sons, sosh, soss, soth, sots, soys, stem, sten, stey, stie, stim, syce, syen, syes, sync, syne, syst, tche, tech, teem, teen, tees, teme, tems, tene, tens, thee, them, then, they, thin, thio, this, thon, thos, tice, tich, tics, tien, ties, time, tinc, tine, tins, tiny, toch, tocs, toes, toey, tome, toms, tone, tons, tony, tose, tosh, toss, tosy, toys, tshi, tyee, tyes, tyin, tyne, ycie, yech, yees, yeni, yens, yeom, yese, yeso, yest, yeth, yeti, yins, yite, yoni, yont, yote

3 Letter Words for Chemosynthesis

cee, cen, ceo, che, chi, chm, chn, cho, chs, cie, cis, cit, cns, com, con, cos, cot, coy, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, cts, ech, ecm, eco, ect, eec, een, ehs, eme, emo, ems, enc, ene, ens, eom, eon, eos, esc, ese, esm, ess, est, etc, eth, ety, eye, eyn, hee, heh, hei, hem, hen, heo, hes, het, hey, hic, hie, him, hin, his, hit, hmo, hny, hoc, hoe, hoh, hoi, hom, hon, hos, hot, hoy, hts, hye, ice, ich, icy, ihs, imo, inc, ins, int, ion, ios, ise, ish, ism, isn, iso, ist, its, iyo, mee, meh, mei, men, mes, met, mho, mic, min, mis, mit, moc, moe, moi, mon, mos, mot, moy, msh, mss, mst, mtn, mts, myc, mys, nco, nee, nei, neo, net, nie, nim, nis, nit, noh, nom, nos, not, noy, nth, nye, nys, och, oct, oes, ohm, ohs, oie, ois, oms, one, oni, ons, ont, ony, ose, osi, otc, oye, oys, sch, sci, sct, sec, see, sei, sem, sen, set, sey, she, shh, shi, sho, sht, shy, sic, sie, sim, sin, sis, sit, sny, soc, som, son, sot, soy, sse, ssh, stm, sty, sye, sym, syn, tch, tec, tee, tem, ten, tes, the, thm, tho, thy, tic, tie, tim, tin, tis, tmh, toc, toe, toi, tom, ton, tos, toy, tsh, tsi, tss, tye, yee, yeh, yen, yeo, yes, yet, yin, yis, yoe, yoi, yom, yon, yos, yot

Definitions for Chemosynthesis

[1] the synthesis of organic compounds within an organism, with chemical reactions providing the energy source.
[2] the formation of organic material by certain bacteria using energy derived from simple chemical reactions

Words nearby Chemosynthesis

chemosphere, chemostat, chemosterilant, chemosterilize, chemosurgery, chemosynthesis, chemosynthetic bacteria, chemotactic, chemotaxis, chemotaxonomy, chemotherapeutics

Origin of Chemosynthesis

First recorded in 1900–05; chemo- + synthesis

Other words from Chemosynthesis

che·mo·syn·thet·ic [kee-moh-sin-thet -ik, kem-oh-] /ˌki moʊ sɪnˈθɛt ɪk, ˌkɛm oʊ-/ , adjective
che·mo·syn·thet·i·cal·ly , adverb