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Showing words for CHICKS using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Chicks
chicks, schick
5 Letter Words for Chicks
chick, chics, chiks, hicks, shick
4 Letter Words for Chicks
chic, chik, chis, cisc, csch, hick, hics, ichs, khis, kish, sicc, sich, sick, sikh
3 Letter Words for Chicks
chi, chs, cis, csc, csi, csk, hic, his, ich, ick, ihs, ish, khi, ksi, sch, sci, shi, sic, ski
Definitions for Chicks
[1] a young chicken or other bird.
[2] a child.
[3] Slang : Often Offensive . a term used to refer to a girl or young woman.
[4] Ar·man·do Anthony [ahr-mahn -doh] /ɑrˈmɑn doʊ/ , Chick , born 1941, U.S. jazz pianist and composer.
[5] the young of a bird, esp of a domestic fowl
[6] slang a girl or young woman, esp an attractive one
[7] a young child: used as a term of endearment
Words related to Chicks
prout, woman, moppet, youngster, child
Words nearby Chicks
chickchichewa, chichi, chichihaerh, chichivache, chichén itzá, chick, chick flick, chick lit, chickabiddy, chickadee, chickahominy
Origin of Chicks
1275–1325; Middle English chike, variant of chiken chicken
Words that may be confused with Chicks
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, chickchic, chick
Word origin for Chicks
C14: short for chicken