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Showing words for CHIEL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Chiel
chiel, elchi
4 Letter Words for Chiel
ceil, chil, ciel, elhi, heil, heli, hile, lech, lice, lich
3 Letter Words for Chiel
cel, che, chi, cie, cli, ech, eli, hcl, hei, hel, hic, hie, ice, ich, ile, lei, lie
Definitions for Chiel
[1] a young man; fellow.
[2] Scot a young man; lad
Words nearby Chiel
dchief warrant officer, chiefdom, chiefly, chieftain, chiel, chield, chiengmai, chiffchaff, chiffon, chiffonade, chiffonier
Origin of Chiel
dFirst recorded in 1525–35; variant of child
Word origin for Chiel
C14: a Scot variant of child