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Showing words for CHLAMYDATE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Chlamydate
8 Letter Words for Chlamydate
7 Letter Words for Chlamydate
academy, acylate, adactyl, alcayde, alchemy, amylate, cathead, chaetal, chamade, chamlet, chlamyd, cyathea, daytale, deathly, decatyl, ecthyma, elatcha, haleday, hamated, hematal, latched, matched, temacha, yachted
6 Letter Words for Chlamydate
acetal, acetla, acetyl, achate, acheat, acheta, achtel, alated, alayed, alcade, alchem, almaty, althea, amated, amdahl, amytal, calade, calmed, caltha, camlet, cathay, chaeta, chalet, chalta, chamal, chylde, clayed, dactyl, daleth, datcha, deathy, detach, eathly, haldea, halted, hamald, hamate, hamelt, hamlet, headly, hyemal, hyetal, lactam, lamedh, latham, lathed, leachy, lecama, lecyth, letchy, macled, mahaly, malade, malady, malate, malted, maltha, matchy, mately, maythe, meatal, melada, methyl, tamale, tamely, teachy, thecal, thecla
5 Letter Words for Chlamydate
aahed, acale, acate, acedy, aceta, ached, acted, adaty, adlay, adlet, adyta, ahead, alate, alcea, alday, aldea, alhet, almah, almeh, amate, amlet, atame, ately, athel, aylet, cadet, calmy, camay, camel, camla, catel, cathy, cetyl, chama, chaya, cheat, chela, chyle, chyme, clade, clame, claye, clead, cleam, cleat, cyath, dacha, dalea, dalet, datal, datch, dayal, dealt, death, decal, decay, decyl, delay, delta, demal, dhyal, eclat, ectad, ectal, ethal, ethyl, etyma, hadal, haled, halma, halte, hamal, hamed, hamel, hated, hatel, hayed, hayle, heady, heald, hemad, hemal, laced, lacet, lacey, lache, lamda, lamed, latah, latch, lated, lathe, lathy, layed, leach, leady, leath, lehay, lethy, lycae, lycea, lyted, lythe, maced, mache, macle, madly, mahal, mahat, malay, malta, malty, match, mated, matey, matha, mathe, mayed, meach, mealy, meath, meaty, medal, melch, melty, metad, metal, tache, talcy, talea, taled, talma, tamal, tamed, tchad, teach, techy, thala, theca, thema, theyd, thyme, tyche, yacal, yacht, yalta, yclad, ycled, yealm
4 Letter Words for Chlamydate
acad, aced, ache, achy, acle, acme, acta, acth, acyl, adam, adat, aday, adet, ahed, ahem, ahey, alae, alay, alca, alce, aldm, alec, alem, alma, alme, amah, amal, amay, amdt, amel, amla, amyl, ated, atle, atma, ayah, ayme, caam, cade, cady, calm, came, cate, cath, celt, chaa, chad, chal, cham, chat, chay, chem, clad, clam, clat, clay, cled, clem, cyma, cyme, cyte, daal, dace, dahl, dale, dalt, dama, dame, data, date, deal, decl, delt, dely, demy, dhal, dyce, each, eath, ecad, echt, edam, elmy, emda, emyd, etch, etym, eyah, hade, haec, hala, hale, halm, halt, hame, hate, haya, haye, hdlc, head, heal, heat, hela, held, helm, heml, htel, html, hyde, hyed, hyla, hyle, hyte, lace, lacy, lade, lady, laet, lama, lame, lata, late, lath, lead, leam, leat, lech, lect, leda, lyam, lych, lyme, lyte, maad, maat, mace, mach, made, maed, maha, mala, male, malt, mata, mate, math, maty, maya, mead, meal, meat, mech, mela, meld, melt, meta, meth, myal, myel, myth, taal, tace, tach, tade, taed, tael, taha, tala, talc, tald, tale, tame, tche, tead, teal, team, teca, tech, tedy, tela, teld, thae, thea, thed, them, they, tyde, tyed, yade, yald, yale, yama, yate, yead, yeah, yeat, yech, yeld, yelm, yelt, yeta, yeth, ylem, ymca
3 Letter Words for Chlamydate
aah, aal, aam, ace, ach, act, acy, adc, ade, adh, adm, ady, aha, ala, alc, ald, ale, alt, aly, ama, ame, amt, amy, ate, atm, aye, cad, cal, cam, cat, cay, cel, cha, che, chm, cly, cmd, cml, cte, cyl, dae, dah, dal, dam, dat, day, dca, dea, dec, del, dem, det, dey, dha, dle, dye, ead, eam, eat, ech, ecm, ect, edh, ela, eld, elm, elt, eta, etc, eth, ety, eyl, had, hae, ham, hat, hay, hcl, hdl, hed, hel, hem, het, hey, hld, hyd, hye, laa, lac, lad, lah, lam, lat, lay, lca, lcd, lcm, lea, led, lem, let, ley, lhd, ltd, ltm, lyc, lye, lym, maa, mac, mad, mae, mal, mat, may, mea, med, meh, mel, met, mtd, mya, myc, taa, tad, tal, tam, tay, tch, tea, tec, ted, tel, tem, tha, thd, the, thm, thy, tlc, tmh, tye, yad, yah, yam, yat, yea, yed, yeh, yet
Definitions for Chlamydate
[1] having a mantle or pallium, as a mollusk.
[2] (of some molluscs) possessing a mantle
Words nearby Chlamydate
chivy, chişinău, chişinǎu, chkalov, chladni figure, chlamydate, chlamydeous, chlamydia, chlamydia psittaci, chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydial
Origin of Chlamydate
< Latin chlamydātus dressed in a chlamys, equivalent to Greek chlamyd- (stem of chlamys ) chlamys + -ātus -ate1
Word origin for Chlamydate
C19: from Latin chlamydātus wearing a mantle, from Greek khlamus mantle