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Showing words for CHOICEST using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Choicest
7 Letter Words for Choicest
6 Letter Words for Choicest
5 Letter Words for Choicest
4 Letter Words for Choicest
3 Letter Words for Choicest
Definitions for Choicest
[1] an act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.
[2] the right, power, or opportunity to choose; option: The child had no choice about going to school.
[3] the person or thing chosen or eligible to be chosen: This book is my choice. He is one of many choices for the award.
[4] an alternative: There is another choice.
[5] an abundance or variety from which to choose: a wide choice of candidates.
[6] something that is preferred or preferable to others; the best part of something: Mare's Nest is the choice in the sixth race.
[7] a carefully selected supply: This restaurant has a fine choice of wines.
[8] a choice grade of beef.
[9] worthy of being chosen; excellent; superior.
[10] carefully selected: choice words.
[11] (in the grading of beef in the U.S.) rated between prime and good.
[12] of choice , that is generally preferred: A detached house is still the home of choice.
[13] the act or an instance of choosing or selecting
[14] the opportunity or power of choosing
[15] a person or thing chosen or that may be chosen he was a possible choice
[16] an alternative action or possibility what choice did I have?
[17] a supply from which to select a poor choice of shoes
[18] of choice preferred; favourite
[19] of superior quality; excellent choice wine
[20] carefully chosen, appropriate a few choice words will do the trick
[21] vulgar or rude choice language
Words related to Choicest
choiceprime, preferred, excellent, elect, prize, exclusive, fine, winner, valuable, elite, special, nice, 10, exceptional, exquisite, first-class, popular, precious, preferential, rare
Words nearby Choicest
choicechocolatier, choctaw, choctawhatchee, chog, chogyal, choice, choir, choir loft, choir school, choirboy, choirgirl
Origin of Choicest
1250–1300; Middle English chois < Old French, derivative of choisir to perceive, choose < Germanic; see choose
Other words from Choicest
choice·less , adjective
choice·ly , adverb
choice·ness , noun
pre·choice , noun
Word origin for Choicest
C13: from Old French chois, from choisir to choose
Synonyms for Choicest
excellent, preferred, prime, 10, elect, elite, exclusive, fine, nice, prize, special, valuable, winner, 24-karat, A-1, exceptional, exquisite, first-class, hand-picked, popular, precious, preferential, rare, select, solid gold, top-drawer, uncommon, unusual