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Showing words for CHOREOGRAPH using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Choreograph
10 Letter Words for Choreograph
choregraph, chorograph
9 Letter Words for Choreograph
cerograph, echograph, horograph
8 Letter Words for Choreograph
acropore, aerophor, orograph, phorrhea, reproach
7 Letter Words for Choreograph
charger, corpora, corpore, grooper, hagrope, oograph, parcher, poacher, regraph
6 Letter Words for Choreograph
agrope, ahchoo, aperch, archer, arrope, carhop, carper, cerago, charer, charge, charro, cheapo, choora, chorea, cooper, coprah, corage, correo, creagh, croape, eparch, epocha, garroo, gherao, gopher, gracer, grocer, groper, hachoo, harper, hooper, horace, horrah, ochrea, orache, paroch, pearch, percha, phocae, poorer, poorga, porger, preach, proach, rechar, recrop, rehoop, rhaphe, rocher
5 Letter Words for Choreograph
acher, achoo, achor, agoho, arche, aroph, cager, caper, carer, cargo, carpe, chape, chare, charr, cheap, chego, choga, choop, chopa, chore, cohoe, cohog, cooer, coper, copra, corah, corer, corge, coroa, crape, crare, crore, echar, ephah, ephor, epoch, gaper, garce, gareh, garoo, garre, gerah, gorce, gorer, gorra, grace, grape, graph, greco, groop, grope, hache, harre, hepar, hooch, hoper, horah, ocher, ochro, ocrea, ohare, opera, orach, orage, pacer, pager, parch, pareo, parer, parge, pargo, peach, perca, perch, phage, phare, pharo, phoca, poach, poche, pooch, porch, porer, porge, porgo, prore, racer, rache, rager, raper, raphe, reach, recap, regar, reorg, repro, roach, roche, roger, roper
4 Letter Words for Choreograph
acer, ache, acop, acor, acre, aero, ager, aper, arch, arco, areg, argh, argo, cage, cape, caph, capo, care, carp, carr, cepa, cera, cero, chao, chap, char, cher, chge, chop, coho, coop, copa, cope, copr, cora, core, corp, corr, crag, crap, croh, crop, crpe, each, echo, epha, ergo, gape, gapo, gare, gear, goar, goer, goop, goor, gora, gore, gorp, haec, hare, haro, harp, harr, heap, hear, hech, hera, hero, herp, herr, hoar, hoch, hoer, hoga, hogh, hogo, hoho, hoop, hope, hora, hore, oche, ogre, opah, opec, orae, orca, orch, oreo, orra, pace, paco, page, paho, parc, pare, parr, peag, pear, pech, pega, pegh, peho, perh, phar, phoh, phoo, poco, pogo, poha, pooa, pooh, poor, porc, pore, porr, prag, prao, prec, proa, proc, prog, proo, race, rach, rage, rape, rare, reap, rear, rego, regr, repo, repr, rhea, rheo, roar, roch, roer, roop, rope
3 Letter Words for Choreograph
ace, ach, aer, age, ago, agr, ahh, aho, aor, apc, ape, aph, apr, arc, are, arg, arr, cag, cap, car, ceo, cep, cer, cha, che, chg, cho, cog, coo, cop, cor, cpa, cpo, cpr, cro, ear, ecg, ech, eco, ego, epa, era, erg, err, gap, gar, geo, ger, goa, goo, gop, gor, gph, gra, gro, grr, hae, hag, hao, hap, heh, heo, hep, her, hoa, hoc, hoe, hog, hoh, hoo, hop, hor, oar, oca, och, oer, oho, ooh, oop, oor, opa, ope, ora, orc, ore, org, pac, pah, par, pea, pec, peg, peh, per, pho, phr, poa, poh, poo, por, prc, pre, pro, rag, rah, rap, rea, rec, reg, reh, rep, rha, rhe, rho, roc, roe, rog, roo
Definitions for Choreograph
[1] to provide the choreography for: to choreograph a musical comedy.
[2] to manage, maneuver, or direct: The author is a genius at choreographing a large cast of characters.
[3] to work as a choreographer.
[4] (tr) to compose the steps and dances for (a piece of music or ballet)
Words nearby Choreograph
choreiform, choreman, choreo-, choreoathetosis, choreodrama, choreograph, choreographer, choreography, choreoid, choreology, choreophrasia
Origin of Choreograph
First recorded in 1875–80; back formation from choreography
Other words from Choreograph
re·cho·re·o·graph , verb (used with object)
un·cho·re·o·graphed , adjective