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Showing words for CHUMP using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Chump
4 Letter Words for Chump
3 Letter Words for Chump
Definitions for Chump
[1] Informal . a stupid person; dolt: Don't be a chump—she's kidding you along.
[2] a short, thick piece of wood.
[3] the thick, blunt end of anything.
[4] Slang . the head.
[5] off one's chump , British Slang . crazy.
[6] to bite or chew; munch.
[7] informal a stupid person
[8] a thick heavy block of wood
[9] the thick blunt end of anything, esp of a piece of meat (as modifier ) a chump chop
[10] British slang the head (esp in the phrase off one's chump )
[11] a less common word for chomp
Words related to Chump
fool, oaf, goof, sucker, blockhead, boob, sap, dolt, lunkhead
Words nearby Chump
chum, chum salmon, chuman, chumash, chummy, chump, chump change, chumping, chun doo hwan, chunchon, chunder
Origin of Chump
2First recorded in 1850–55; variant of champ1
Other words from Chump
chump·ish , adjective
chump·ish·ness , noun
Word origin for Chump
C18: perhaps a blend of chunk and lump 1
Synonyms for Chump
blockhead, boob, dolt, fool, goof, lunkhead, oaf, sap, sucker