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Showing words for CHUNK using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Chunk


4 Letter Words for Chunk

chun, huck, hunk

3 Letter Words for Chunk

chn, cun, hun, khu, unc, unh

Definitions for Chunk

[1] a thick mass or lump of anything: a chunk of bread; a chunk of firewood.
[2] Informal . a thick-set and strong person.
[3] a strong and stoutly built horse or other animal.
[4] a substantial amount of something: Rent is a real chunk out of my pay.
[5] to cut, break, or form into chunks: Chunk that wedge of cheese and put the pieces on a plate.
[6] to remove a chunk or chunks from (often followed by out ): Storms have chunked out the road.
[7] to form, give off, or disintegrate into chunks: My tires have started to chunk.
[8] to toss or throw; chuck: chunking pebbles at the barn door.
[9] to make or rekindle (a fire) by adding wood, coal, etc., or by stoking (sometimes followed by up ).
[10] a thick solid piece, as of meat, wood, etc
[11] a considerable amount

Words related to Chunk

dollop, wad, lump, portion, hunk, piece, block, clod, nugget, glob, part, gob

Words nearby Chunk

chung, chungjin, chungju, chungking, chunjie, chunk, chunking, chunky, chunnel, chunter, chupacabra

Origin of Chunk

21825–35, Americanism ; perhaps nasalized variant of chuck1

Word origin for Chunk

C17: variant of chuck ²

Synonyms for Chunk

block, dollop, hunk, lump, piece, portion, wad, clod, glob, gob, nugget, part