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Showing words for CHUNKY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Chunky
5 Letter Words for Chunky
chunk, hunky
4 Letter Words for Chunky
chun, huck, hunk, yuch, yuck
3 Letter Words for Chunky
chn, cun, hny, hun, khu, kyu, unc, unh, yuh, yuk
Definitions for Chunky
[1] thick or stout; stocky.
[2] in chunks.
[3] full of chunks; coarse: chunky peanut butter; The soup was so chunky it was almost a stew.
[4] thick and short
[5] consisting of or containing thick pieces chunky dog food
[6] mainly British (of clothes, esp knitwear) made of thick bulky material
Words related to Chunky
chubby, stout, stocky, beefy, dumpy, husky, rotund, scrub, squat, stubby, heavyset, thickset
Words nearby Chunky
chungju, chungking, chunjie, chunk, chunking, chunky, chunnel, chunter, chupacabra, chupatti, chuppah
Origin of Chunky
An Americanism dating back to 1745–55; chunk1 + -y1
Other words from Chunky
chunk·i·ly , adverb
chunk·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Chunky
chubby, stocky, stout, beefy, dumpy, heavyset, husky, rotund, scrub, squat, stubby, thick-bodied, thickset