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Showing words for CHURR using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Churr
4 Letter Words for Churr
curr, hurr, ruhr
3 Letter Words for Churr
cru, cur, ruc
Definitions for Churr
[1] chirr.
[2] to make a characteristic shrill, trilling sound, as a grasshopper.
[3] the sound of chirring.
[4] a variant spelling of chirr
[5] (intr) (esp of certain insects, such as crickets) to make a shrill trilled sound
[6] the sound of chirring
Words related to Churr
hoot, pipe, twitter, cry, chuck, cheep, squeak, chatter, tweet, coo, chirrup
Words nearby Churr
churn, churn drill, churn molding, churn out, churning, churr, churrasco, churrigueresque, churro, chuse, chute
Origin of Churr
irrFirst recorded in 1590–1600; alteration of chirp
Word origin for Churr
irrC17: of imitative origin
Synonyms for Churr
hoot, chatter, cheep, chirrup, chuck, coo, cry, pipe, squeak, tweet, twitter