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Showing words for CHURRO using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Churro
5 Letter Words for Churro
churr, cruor
4 Letter Words for Churro
chou, corr, cour, croh, curr, hour, hurr, orch, ouch, roch, ruhr
3 Letter Words for Churro
cho, cor, cro, cru, cur, hoc, hor, och, orc, our, rho, roc, ruc
Definitions for Churro
[1] a long, slender, deep-fried pastry resembling a cruller.
Words nearby Churro
churn out, churning, churr, churrasco, churrigueresque, churro, chuse, chute, chute the chute, chute-the-chute, chutist
Origin of Churro
1885–90, Americanism ; < Spanish, perhaps after dial. churro name for the inhabitants of the mountainous parts of Valencia (literally, a kind of coarse-wooled sheep), the approximate area where the pastry originated