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Showing words for CINEMA using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Cinema

anemic, cinema, iceman

5 Letter Words for Cinema

amice, amine, amnic, anime, enami, encia, eniac, maine, manei, manic, manie, minae, mince, necia

4 Letter Words for Cinema

acme, acne, aine, amen, amic, amie, amin, ance, anim, cain, came, cami, cane, cima, cine, emic, enam, iman, inca, mace, main, mane, mani, mean, mein, miae, mian, mica, mice, mien, mine, nace, name, nema, nice

3 Letter Words for Cinema

ace, aim, ain, ame, ami, anc, ane, cai, cam, can, cen, cia, cie, eam, ean, ecm, enc, ice, inc, mac, mae, man, mea, mei, men, mia, mic, min, mna, nae, nam, nea, nei, nie, nim

Definitions for Cinema

[1] Chiefly British . motion picture.
[2] the cinema, motion pictures collectively, as an art.
[3] Chiefly British . a motion-picture theater.
[4] mainly British a place designed for the exhibition of films (as modifier ) a cinema seat
[5] the cinema the art or business of making films films collectively

Words related to Cinema

film, drive-in, show, pictures, bijou, playhouse, cine, nabes, photoplay

Words nearby Cinema

cine-, cineangiocardiography, cineangiography, cineaste, cinefluorography, cinema, cinemagoer, cinemascope, cinematheque, cinematics, cinematize

Origin of Cinema

First recorded in 1895–1900; short for cinematograph

Other words from Cinema

cin·e·mat·ic [sin-uh -mat -ik] /ˌsɪn əˈmæt ɪk/ , adjective
cin·e·mat·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·cin·e·mat·ic , adjective

Word origin for Cinema

C19 (earlier spelling kinema ): shortened from cinematograph

Synonyms for Cinema

drive-in, film, movie house, movie theater, bijou, flicks, pictures, playhouse, show, big screen, cine, motion pictures, moving pictures, nabes, photoplay, picture show, silver screen