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Showing words for CINEMA using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Cinema
5 Letter Words for Cinema
4 Letter Words for Cinema
3 Letter Words for Cinema
Definitions for Cinema
[1] Chiefly British . motion picture.
[2] the cinema, motion pictures collectively, as an art.
[3] Chiefly British . a motion-picture theater.
[4] mainly British a place designed for the exhibition of films (as modifier ) a cinema seat
[5] the cinema the art or business of making films films collectively
Words related to Cinema
film, drive-in, show, pictures, bijou, playhouse, cine, nabes, photoplay
Words nearby Cinema
cine-, cineangiocardiography, cineangiography, cineaste, cinefluorography, cinema, cinemagoer, cinemascope, cinematheque, cinematics, cinematize
Origin of Cinema
First recorded in 1895–1900; short for cinematograph
Other words from Cinema
cin·e·mat·ic [sin-uh -mat -ik] /ˌsɪn əˈmæt ɪk/ , adjective
cin·e·mat·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·cin·e·mat·ic , adjective
Word origin for Cinema
C19 (earlier spelling kinema ): shortened from cinematograph
Synonyms for Cinema
drive-in, film, movie house, movie theater, bijou, flicks, pictures, playhouse, show, big screen, cine, motion pictures, moving pictures, nabes, photoplay, picture show, silver screen