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Showing words for CIRCULAR using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Circular
7 Letter Words for Circular
6 Letter Words for Circular
5 Letter Words for Circular
4 Letter Words for Circular
3 Letter Words for Circular
Definitions for Circular
[1] having the form of a circle; round: a circular tower.
[2] of or relating to a circle: a circular plane.
[3] moving in or forming a circle or a circuit: the circular rotation of the earth.
[4] moving or occurring in a cycle or round: the circular succession of the seasons.
[5] roundabout; indirect; circuitous: a circular route.
[6] Logic . of or relating to reasoning in which the conclusion is ostensibly proved, but in actuality it or its equivalent has been assumed as a premise.
[7] pertaining to a circle or set of persons.
[8] (of a letter, memorandum, etc.) addressed to a number of persons or intended for general circulation.
[9] a letter, advertisement, notice, or statement for circulation among the general public.
[10] of, involving, resembling, or shaped like a circle
[11] circuitous
[12] (of arguments) futile because the truth of the premises cannot be established independently of the conclusion
[13] travelling or occurring in a cycle
[14] (of letters, announcements, etc) intended for general distribution
[15] a printed or duplicated advertisement or notice for mass distribution
Words related to Circular
oblique, round, spheroid, insert, notice, literature, publication, poster, handout, leaflet, pamphlet, flyer, advertisement, booklet, brochure, broadside, throwaway, indirect, rounded, annular
Words nearby Circular
circuit, electrical, circuiter, circuitous, circuitry, circuity, circular, circular amputation, circular breathing, circular definition, circular dichroism, circular error
Origin of Circular
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin circulāris, equivalent to circul(us ) circle + -āris -ar1
Other words from Circular
cir·cu·lar·i·ty , cir·cu·lar·ness , noun
cir·cu·lar·ly , adverb
non·cir·cu·lar , adjective
non·cir·cu·lar·ly , adverb
sub·cir·cu·lar , adjective
sub·cir·cu·lar·ly , adverb
sub·cir·cu·lar·i·ty , noun
un·cir·cu·lar , adjective
un·cir·cu·lar·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Circular
oblique, round, spheroid, annular, circinate, circling, disklike, indirect, orbicular, ring-shaped, rounded