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Showing words for CITED using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Cited
4 Letter Words for Cited
3 Letter Words for Cited
Definitions for Cited
[1] to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), especially as an authority: He cited the Constitution in his defense.
[2] to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited many instances of abuse of power.
[3] to summon officially or authoritatively to appear in court.
[4] to call to mind; recall: citing my gratitude to him.
[5] Military . to mention (a soldier, unit, etc.) in orders, as for gallantry.
[6] to commend, as for outstanding service, hard work, or devotion to duty.
[7] to summon or call; rouse to action.
[8] to quote or refer to (a passage, book, or author) in substantiation as an authority, proof, or example
[9] to mention or commend (a soldier, etc) for outstanding bravery or meritorious action
[10] to summon to appear before a court of law
[11] to enumerate he cited the king's virtues
Words related to Cited
citerepeat, name, offer, mention, indicate, specify, recount, allege, tell, present, call, order, exemplify, advance, remember, reference, reminisce, rehearse, excerpt, number
Words nearby Cited
citecit., citadel, citalopram, citation, citation form, cite, cites, cithaeron, cithara, cither, citied
Origin of Cited
11400–50; late Middle English < Late Latin citāre to summon before a church court; in Latin, to hurry, set in motion, summon before a court, frequentative of ciēre to move, set in motion
Words that may be confused with Cited
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, citecite, sight, site
Other words from Cited
cit·a·ble , cite·a·ble , adjective
cit·er , noun
non·cit·a·ble , adjective
non·cite·a·ble , adjective
un·cit·a·ble , adjective
un·cite·a·ble , adjective
un·cit·ed , adjective
Word origin for Cited
C15: from Old French citer to summon, from Latin citāre to rouse, from citus quick, from ciēre to excite
Synonyms for Cited
allege, allude to, indicate, mention, name, offer, point out, present, recount, refer to, repeat, specify, spell out, tell, adduce, advance, enumerate, evidence, excerpt, exemplify, extract, instance, lay, number, recite, reference, rehearse, remember, reminisce, appeal to, get down to brass tacks, give as example, illustrate with