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Showing words for CIVIC using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Civic
3 Letter Words for Civic
civ, vic, vii
Definitions for Civic
[1] of or relating to a city; municipal: civic problems.
[2] of or relating to citizenship; civil: civic duties.
[3] of citizens: civic pride.
[4] of or relating to a city, citizens, or citizenship civic duties
Words related to Civic
civil, urban, national, communal, borough, local, metropolitan, municipal, public
Words nearby Civic
ciudad trujillo, ciudad victoria, civ., civet, civet cat, civic, civic center, civic centre, civic university, civic-minded, civics
Origin of Civic
1535–45; < Latin cīvicus, equivalent to cīv(is ) citizen + -icus -ic
Other words from Civic
civ·i·cal·ly , adverb
an·ti·civ·ic , adjective
in·ter·civ·ic , adjective
pro·civ·ic , adjective
un·civ·ic , adjective
Word origin for Civic
C16: from Latin cīvicus, from cīvis citizen
Synonyms for Civic
civil, communal, national, urban, borough, local, metropolitan, municipal, public