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Showing words for CIVILIAN using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Civilian
7 Letter Words for Civilian
6 Letter Words for Civilian
5 Letter Words for Civilian
4 Letter Words for Civilian
3 Letter Words for Civilian
Definitions for Civilian
[1] a person who is not on active duty with a military, naval, police, or fire fighting organization.
[2] Informal . anyone regarded by members of a profession, interest group, society, etc., as not belonging; nonprofessional; outsider: We need a producer to run the movie studio, not some civilian from the business world.
[3] a person versed in or studying Roman or civil law.
[4] of, pertaining to, formed by, or administered by civilians.
[5] a person whose primary occupation is civil or nonmilitary (as modifier ) civilian life
Words related to Civilian
private, citizen, noncombatant, commoner, subject
Words nearby Civilian
civil service, civil society, civil tongue, civil war, civil year, civilian, civilian clothes, civilian conservation corps, civilian review board, civilianize, civility
Origin of Civilian
1350–1400; Middle English: student of civil law < Old French civilien (adj.); see civil, -ian
Other words from Civilian
an·ti·ci·vil·ian , adjective
non·ci·vil·ian , noun
pro·ci·vil·ian , adjective
Word origin for Civilian
C14 (originally: a practitioner of civil law): from civile (from the Latin phrase jūs cīvīle civil law) + -ian
Synonyms for Civilian
private, noncombatant, pacificist, noncombative, nonmilitant, not in armed forces, unhostile