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Showing words for CIVILIZED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Civilized
8 Letter Words for Civilized
6 Letter Words for Civilized
5 Letter Words for Civilized
4 Letter Words for Civilized
3 Letter Words for Civilized
Definitions for Civilized
[1] having an advanced or humane culture, society, etc.
[2] polite; well-bred; refined.
[3] of or relating to civilized people: The civilized world must fight ignorance.
[4] easy to manage or control; well organized or ordered: The car is quiet and civilized, even in sharp turns.
[5] to bring out of a savage, uneducated, or rude state; make civil; elevate in social and private life; enlighten; refine: Rome civilized the barbarians.
[6] having a high state of culture and social development
[7] cultured; polite a civilized discussion
[8] to bring out of savagery or barbarism into a state characteristic of civilization
[9] to refine, educate, or enlighten
Words related to Civilized
educated, civil, refined, cultured, sophisticated, humane, enlightened, advanced, urbane
Words nearby Civilized
civilian review board, civilianize, civility, civilization, civilize, civilized, civilly, civils, civism, civitan, civitas
Origin of Civilized
1595–1605; < French civiliser; see civil, -ize
Other words from Civilized
civ·i·liz·ed·ness [siv -uh -lahy-zid-nis, -lahyzd] /ˈsɪv əˌlaɪ zɪd nɪs, -ˌlaɪzd/ , noun
half-civ·il·ized , adjective
hy·per·civ·i·lized , adjective
non·civ·i·lized , adjective
sub·civ·i·lized , adjective
su·per·civ·i·lized , adjective
ul·tra·civ·i·lized , adjective
well-civ·i·lized , adjective
civ·i·liz·a·ble , adjective
civ·i·liz·a·to·ry [siv-uh -lahy -zuh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˌsɪv əˈlaɪ zəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
civ·i·liz·er , noun
de·civ·i·lize , verb (used with object), de·civ·i·lized, de·civ·i·liz·ing.
non·civ·i·liz·a·ble , adjective
o·ver·civ·i·lize , verb, o·ver·civ·i·lized, o·ver·civ·i·liz·ing.
un·civ·i·liz·a·ble , adjective
un·civ·i·lize , verb (used with object), un·civ·i·lized, un·civ·i·liz·ing.
Synonyms for Civilized
civil, cultured, educated, enlightened, humane, refined, sophisticated, advanced, urbane