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Showing words for CLENCH using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Clench
5 Letter Words for Clench
4 Letter Words for Clench
3 Letter Words for Clench
Definitions for Clench
[1] to close (the hands, teeth, etc.) tightly.
[2] to grasp firmly; grip.
[3] clinch(def 1) .
[4] clinch(defs 2–4) .
[5] to close or knot up tightly: His hands clenched as he faced his enemy.
[6] the act of clenching.
[7] a tight hold; grip.
[8] something that clenches or holds fast.
[9] clinch(defs 9, 11, 12) .
[10] to close or squeeze together (the teeth, a fist, etc) tightly
[11] to grasp or grip firmly
[12] a firm grasp or grip
[13] a device that grasps or grips, such as a clamp
[14] another word for clinch
Words related to Clench
clamp, clutch, clasp, grip, clinch, contract, grapple, constrict, hold
Words nearby Clench
clement xiv, clemente, clementi, clementine, clementines, clench, clenched fist sign, clendinnen, cleo, cleobulus, cleoid
Origin of Clench
1200–50; Middle English clenchen; compare Old English beclencan hold fast
Words that may be confused with Clench
Word origin for Clench
Old English beclencan, related to Old High German klenken to tie, Middle High German klank noose, Dutch klinken rivet
Synonyms for Clench
clamp, clasp, clutch, clinch, constrict, contract, grapple, grip, hold, double up, draw together