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Showing words for CLOAK using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Cloak


4 Letter Words for Cloak

alco, calk, calo, coak, coal, cola, colk, kalo, kcal, kola, lack, loca, lock, loka

3 Letter Words for Cloak

ack, ako, alc, alk, alo, cal, clk, clo, col, kal, koa, lac, lak, lao, lca, loa, loc, oak, oca, ock, oka, ola

Definitions for Cloak

[1] a loose outer garment, as a cape or coat.
[2] something that covers or conceals; disguise; pretense: He conducts his affairs under a cloak of secrecy.
[3] to cover with or as if with a cloak: She arrived at the opera cloaked in green velvet.
[4] to hide; conceal: The mission was cloaked in mystery.
[5] a wraplike outer garment fastened at the throat and falling straight from the shoulders
[6] something that covers or conceals
[7] to cover with or as if with a cloak
[8] to hide or disguise

Words related to Cloak

shawl, mantle, mask, camouflage, veneer, conceal, shroud, obscure, veil, blind, guise, facade, semblance, shield, show, front, face, disguise, pretext, wrap

Words nearby Cloak

clo., cloaca, cloacal membrane, cloacal plate, cloacitis, cloak, cloak fern, cloak-and-dagger, cloak-and-suiter, cloak-and-sword, cloakroom

Origin of Cloak

1175–1225; Middle English cloke (< Old French ) < Medieval Latin cloca, variant of clocca bell-shaped cape, bell; see clock1

Other words from Cloak

cloak·less , adjective
un·der·cloak , noun
well-cloaked , adjective

Word origin for Cloak

C13: from Old French cloque, from Medieval Latin clocca cloak, bell; referring to the bell-like shape

Synonyms for Cloak

camouflage, mantle, mask, shawl, veneer, beard, blind, cape, capote, disguise, facade, face, front, guise, pretext, semblance, shield, show, wrap, manteau