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Showing words for CLOD using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Clod
3 Letter Words for Clod
Definitions for Clod
[1] a lump or mass, especially of earth or clay.
[2] a stupid person; blockhead; dolt.
[3] earth; soil.
[4] something of lesser dignity or value, as the body as contrasted with the soul: this corporeal clod.
[5] a part of a shoulder of beef.
[6] a lump of earth or clay
[7] earth, esp when heavy or in hard lumps
[8] Also called: clodpole , clod poll , clodpate a dull or stupid person
[9] a cut of beef taken from the shoulder
Words related to Clod
fool, oaf, dunce, dummy, imbecile, dope, lout, blockhead, clown, chump, simpleton, dumbbell, dimwit, boor, dolt, lame-brain
Words nearby Clod
clocklike, clockmaker, clockwise, clockwork, clockwork universe, clod, cloddish, clodhopper, clodhopping, clodpoll, cloete
Origin of Clod
1400–50; late Middle English clodde, Old English clod- (in clodhamer fieldfare); see cloud
Other words from Clod
clod·di·ly , adverb
clod·di·ness , noun
clod·like , adjective
clod·dy , adjective
Word origin for Clod
Old English clod- (occurring in compound words) lump; related to cloud
Synonyms for Clod
blockhead, boor, chump, clown, dimwit, dolt, dope, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, fool, imbecile, lout, oaf, simpleton, lame-brain