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Showing words for CLOWN using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Clown


4 Letter Words for Clown

clon, clow, cowl, locn, lown, nowl

3 Letter Words for Clown

clo, col, con, cow, cwo, loc, low, nco, nol, now, owl, own, won

Definitions for Clown

[1] a comic performer, as in a circus, theatrical production, or the like, who wears an outlandish costume and makeup and entertains by pantomiming common situations or actions in exaggerated or ridiculous fashion, by juggling or tumbling, etc.
[2] a person who acts like a clown; comedian; joker; buffoon; jester.
[3] a prankster; a practical joker.
[4] Slang . a coarse, ill-bred person; a boor.
[5] a peasant; rustic.
[6] to act like a clown.
[7] a comic entertainer, usually grotesquely costumed and made up, appearing in the circus
[8] any performer who elicits an amused response
[9] someone who plays jokes or tricks
[10] a person who acts in a comic or buffoon-like manner
[11] a coarse clumsy rude person; boor
[12] archaic a countryman or rustic
[13] to perform as a clown
[14] to play jokes or tricks
[15] to act foolishly

Words related to Clown

fool, jester, mime, buffoon, comedian, comic, prankster, lout, cut-up, madcap, harlequin, wag, ribald, jokester, punch, joker, mountebank, wit, zany, antic

Words nearby Clown

cloverleaf aerial, clovis, clovis i, clovis point, clowder, clown, clown anemone, clown car, clown white, clownery, cloxacillin

Origin of Clown

1555–65; earlier cloyne, clowne, perhaps akin to Old Norse klunni boor, Danish dialect klunds, Swedish dialect klunn log

Other words from Clown

clown·ish , adjective
clown·ish·ly , adverb
clown·ish·ness , noun

Word origin for Clown

C16: perhaps of Low German origin; compare Frisian klönne, Icelandic klunni clumsy fellow

Synonyms for Clown

buffoon, comedian, comic, fool, jester, mime, prankster, antic, cut-up, dolt, gagman, gagster, harlequin, humorist, joker, jokester, madcap, merrymaker, mountebank, mummer, picador, pierrot, punch, ribald, wag, wit, zany, droll, farceur, funnyperson, funster, jokesmith, life of the party, merry-andrew, punchinello, quipster, wisecracker