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Showing words for CLUBBY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Clubby
5 Letter Words for Clubby
4 Letter Words for Clubby
3 Letter Words for Clubby
Definitions for Clubby
[1] characteristic of a club: The room had a warm, clubby atmosphere.
[2] very friendly; intimate; chummy: He became clubby with the bartender, who slipped him many free drinks.
[3] socially exclusive; cliquish: Their group is very clubby and unfriendly.
[4] inclined to join clubs.
[5] sociable, esp effusively so
[6] exclusive or cliquish
Words related to Clubby
affectionate, warm, cozy, confidential, loving, cordial, genial, approachable, neighborly, good-natured, affable, gregarious, convivial, sympathetic, harmonious, pleasant, jovial, favorable, sociable, agreeable
Words nearby Clubby
clubbed, clubbed digit, clubbed finger, clubber, clubbing, clubby, clubface, clubfoot, clubhand, clubhaul, clubhouse
Origin of Clubby
First recorded in 1855–60; club + -y1
Other words from Clubby
club·bi·ly , adverb
club·bi·ness , noun
Synonyms for Clubby
affectionate, confidential, cozy, loving, warm, bosom, cherished, close, dear, dearest, faithful, fast, mellow, mix, near, nice, regular, roommate, snug, buddy-buddy, chummy, comfy, fond, nearest, next