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Showing words for CLUSTER using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Cluster

cluster, culters, custrel, cutlers, relucts

6 Letter Words for Cluster

cruels, cruets, cruset, culets, culter, curets, cutler, eructs, lucres, luster, luters, rectus, recuts, reluct, result, rustle, scutel, surcle, sutler, truces, ulcers, ulster

5 Letter Words for Cluster

celts, certs, cetus, clues, crest, cruel, crues, cruet, cruse, crust, culet, cults, cures, curet, curls, curse, cuter, cutes, ecrus, eruct, lects, luces, lucet, lucre, lures, luser, luter, lutes, recut, rules, scler, scult, scute, serut, sluer, strue, sture, sucre, truce, trues, tules, turse, ulcer, uster

4 Letter Words for Cluster

cels, celt, cert, cest, clue, cres, crts, crue, crus, crut, ctrl, cues, cult, cure, curl, curs, curt, cust, cute, cuts, ecru, ecus, elts, erst, eruc, lect, lest, lets, luce, lues, lure, lurs, lust, lute, recs, rect, rest, rets, rucs, rues, rule, ruse, rust, ruts, scet, scul, scur, scut, sect, selt, sert, slue, slur, slut, ster, stre, stue, suer, suet, sure, tels, tres, true, tues, tule, ules, ures, user, utes

3 Letter Words for Cluster

cel, cer, clr, crl, crs, crt, cru, cst, cte, ctr, cts, cue, cul, cur, cut, ect, ecu, els, elt, ers, ert, esc, esr, est, esu, etc, ler, les, let, leu, lsc, lst, ltr, lue, lur, lut, rct, rec, rel, res, rle, rte, ruc, rue, rut, scr, sct, sec, sel, ser, set, sle, slt, str, sue, sur, tec, tel, ter, tes, tlc, tlr, trs, tue, tur, ule, ult, ure, urs, use, ust, utc, ute, uts

Definitions for Cluster

[1] a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together; a bunch: a cluster of grapes.
[2] a group of things or persons close together: There was a cluster of tourists at the gate.
[3] U.S. Army . a small metal design placed on a ribbon representing an awarded medal to indicate that the same medal has been awarded again: oak-leaf cluster.
[4] Phonetics . a succession of two or more contiguous consonants in an utterance, as the str- cluster of strap.
[5] Astronomy . a group of neighboring stars, held together by mutual gravitation, that have essentially the same age and composition and thus supposedly a common origin. Compare globular cluster, open cluster, stellar association.
[6] to gather into a cluster or clusters.
[7] to furnish or cover with clusters.
[8] to form a cluster or clusters: The people clustered around to watch.
[9] a number of things growing, fastened, or occurring close together
[10] a number of persons or things grouped together
[11] US military a metal insignia worn on a medal ribbon to indicate a second award or a higher class of a decoration or order
[12] military a group of bombs dropped in one stick, esp fragmentation and incendiary bombs the basic unit of mines used in laying a minefield
[13] astronomy an aggregation of stars or galaxies moving together through space
[14] a group of two or more consecutive vowels or consonants
[15] statistics a naturally occurring subgroup of a population used in stratified sampling
[16] chem a chemical compound or molecule containing groups of metal atoms joined by metal-to-metal bonds the group of linked metal atoms present
[17] to gather or be gathered in clusters

Words related to Cluster

chunk, batch, collection, band, bundle, knot, array, clump, assemblage, bunch, flock, gather, body, bevy, gathering, set, covey, clutch, crew, hunk

Words nearby Cluster

cluny lace, clupeid, clupeoid, clurman, clusium, cluster, cluster area, cluster bomb, cluster college, cluster cup, cluster fly

Origin of Cluster

before 900; Middle English; Old English cluster, clyster bunch; cognate with Low German kluster

Other words from Cluster

clus·ter·ing·ly , adverb
clus·ter·y , adjective
in·ter·clus·ter , adjective
sub·clus·ter , noun
un·clus·tered , adjective
un·clus·ter·ing , adjective

Word origin for Cluster

Old English clyster; related to Low German Kluster; see clod , clot

Synonyms for Cluster

array, assemblage, band, batch, bunch, bundle, chunk, clump, collection, knot, bevy, blob, body, clutch, covey, crew, gathering, hunk, lot, pack, party, set