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Showing words for COBALT using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Cobalt


5 Letter Words for Cobalt

bloat, bocal, cabot, colat, lacto, oblat, octal, tlaco

4 Letter Words for Cobalt

alco, alto, atoc, bact, blat, bloc, blot, boat, boca, bola, bolt, bota, calo, clat, clot, coal, coat, cola, colt, loca, lota, octa, taco, talc, tola

3 Letter Words for Cobalt

abc, abl, abo, abt, act, alb, alc, alo, alt, aob, bac, bal, bat, blo, blt, boa, boc, bol, bot, btl, cab, cal, cat, clo, cob, col, cot, cto, lab, lac, lao, lat, lca, loa, lob, loc, lot, oat, oba, obl, oca, oct, ola, otc, tab, tal, tao, tlc, tlo, toa, tob, toc, tol

Definitions for Cobalt

[1] a silver-white metallic element with a faint pinkish tinge, occurring in compounds whose silicates afford important blue coloring substances for ceramics. Symbol : Co; atomic weight : 58.933; atomic number : 27; specific gravity : 8.9 at 20°C.
[2] a brittle hard silvery-white element that is a ferromagnetic metal: occurs principally in cobaltite and smaltite and is widely used in alloys. The radioisotope cobalt-60 , with a half-life of 5.3 years, is used in radiotherapy and as a tracer. Symbol: Co; atomic no: 27; atomic wt: 58.93320; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 8.9; melting pt: 1495°C; boiling pt: 2928°C

Words related to Cobalt

blue-green, turquoise, royal, azure, navy, indigo, sapphire, ultramarine, beryl, teal, cerulean

Words nearby Cobalt

cob coal, cob money, cob pie, cobaea, cobalamin, cobalt, cobalt 60, cobalt bloom, cobalt blue, cobalt bomb, cobalt green

Origin of Cobalt

1675–85; < German Kobalt, variant of Kobold kobold

Word origin for Cobalt

C17: German Kobalt, from Middle High German kobolt goblin; from the miners' belief that malicious goblins placed it in the silver ore

Synonyms for Cobalt

blue-green, azure, beryl, cerulean, indigo, navy, royal, sapphire, teal, turquoise, ultramarine, blue-gray