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Showing words for COCK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Cock
3 Letter Words for Cock
Definitions for Cock
[1] a male chicken; rooster.
[2] the male of any bird, especially of the gallinaceous kind.
[3] Also called stopcock. a hand-operated valve or faucet, especially one opened or closed by rotating a cylindrical or tapered plug having part of the passage pierced through it from side to side.
[4] (in a firearm) the part of the lock that, by its fall or action, causes the discharge; hammer. the position into which the cock, or hammer, is brought by being drawn partly or completely back, preparatory to firing.
[5] Slang : Vulgar . penis. sexual relations with a man.
[6] a weathercock.
[7] aleader; chief person.
[8] Chiefly British Informal . pal; chum.
[9] British Slang . nonsense.
[10] Horology . a bracketlike plate holding bearings, supported at one end only. Compare bridge1(def 17) .
[11] Archaic . the time of the crowing of the cock; early in the morning; cockcrow.
[12] to pull back and set the cock, or hammer, of (a firearm) preparatory to firing.
[13] to draw back in preparation for throwing or hitting: He cocked his bat and waited for the pitch.
[14] to set (a camera shutter or other mechanism) for tripping. Compare trip1(def 28) .
[15] to cock the firing mechanism of a firearm.
[16] to set or turn up or to one side, often in an assertive, jaunty, or significant manner: He cocked his eyebrow questioningly.
[17] to stand or stick up conspicuously.
[18] Scot. and New England . to strut; swagger; put on airs of importance.
[19] the act of turning the head, a hat, etc., up or to one side in a jaunty or significant way.
[20] the position of anything thus placed.
[21] a conical pile of hay, dung, etc.
[22] to pile (hay, dung, etc.) in cocks.
[23] the male of the domestic fowl
[24] any other male bird the male of certain other animals, such as the lobster (as modifier ) a cock sparrow
[25] short for stopcock, weathercock
[26] a taboo slang word for penis
[27] the hammer of a firearm its position when the firearm is ready to be discharged
[28] British informal a friend, mate, or fellow
[29] a jaunty or significant tilting or turning upwards a cock of the head
[30] British informal nonsense
[31] (tr) to set the firing pin, hammer, or breech block of (a firearm) so that a pull on the trigger will release it and thus fire the weapon
[32] (tr) to set the shutter mechanism of (a camera) so that the shutter can be tripped by pressing the shutter-release button
[33] (tr sometimes foll by up ) to raise in an alert or jaunty manner
[34] (intr) to stick or stand up conspicuously
[35] a small, cone-shaped heap of hay, straw, etc
[36] (tr) to stack (hay, straw, etc) in such heaps
Words related to Cock
prick, chicken, cock-a-doodle-doo, cockerel, capon, dick, pecker, peter, shaft, hump, pile, stack, erect, raise, chanticleer, cockalorum, member, manhood, wood
Words nearby Cock
cochleovestibular, cochliomyia, cochlitis, cochran, cocinero, cock, cock a snook, cock and bull story, cock feather, cock of the walk, cock of the woods
Origin of Cock
31350–1400; Middle English; cognate with dialectal German Kocke heap of hay or dung, Norwegian kok heap, lump; akin to Old Norse kǫkkr lump
Other words from Cock
cock·like , adjective
Word origin for Cock
C14 (in Old English, cocc is attested in place names): perhaps of Scandinavian origin; compare Norwegian kok, Danish dialect kok
Synonyms for Cock
capon, chicken, cock-a-doodle-doo, cockerel, chanticleer, cockalorum