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Showing words for CODIFY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Codify
4 Letter Words for Codify
3 Letter Words for Codify
Definitions for Codify
[1] to reduce (laws, rules, etc.) to a code.
[2] to make a digest of; arrange in a systematic collection.
[3] (tr) to organize or collect together (laws, rules, procedures, etc) into a system or code
Words related to Codify
summarize, organize, condense, collect, catalogue, code, tabulate, classify, order, digest, arrange
Words nearby Codify
codices, codicil, codicillary, codicology, codification, codify, coding, coding sequence, codirect, codiscoverer, codline
Origin of Codify
First recorded in 1795–1805; code + -ify
Other words from Codify
cod·i·fi·a·bil·i·ty [kod-uh -fahy-uh -bil -i-tee, koh-duh -] /ˌkɒd əˌfaɪ əˈbɪl ɪ ti, ˌkoʊ də-/ , noun
cod·i·fi·er , noun
non·cod·i·fied , adjective
re·cod·i·fy , verb (used with object), re·cod·i·fied, re·cod·i·fy·ing.
un·cod·i·fied , adjective
Synonyms for Codify
summarize, arrange, catalogue, classify, code, collect, condense, digest, order, organize, tabulate