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Showing words for COERCION using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Coercion
7 Letter Words for Coercion
6 Letter Words for Coercion
5 Letter Words for Coercion
4 Letter Words for Coercion
3 Letter Words for Coercion
Definitions for Coercion
[1] the act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
[2] force or the power to use force in gaining compliance, as by a government or police force.
[3] the act or power of coercing
[4] government by force
Words related to Coercion
persuasion, intimidation, duress, force, constraint, restraint, violence, bullying, threat, menace, menacing, threatening
Words nearby Coercion
coenzyme q, coenzyme q 10, coequal, coerce, coercimeter, coercion, coercive, coercive force, coercivity, coesite, coessential
Origin of Coercion
1515–25; < Medieval Latin coerciōn- (stem of coerciō ), Latin coerctiōn-, syncopated variant of coercitiōn-, equivalent to coercit(us ) (past participle of coercēre to coerce) + -iōn- -ion; replacing late Middle English cohercion < Middle French < Latin as above
Other words from Coercion
co·er·cion·ar·y , adjective
co·er·cion·ist , noun
non·co·er·cion , noun
pro·co·er·cion , adjective
Synonyms for Coercion
duress, intimidation, persuasion, bullying, constraint, force, menace, restraint, threat, violence, browbeating, menacing, strong-arm tactic, threatening