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Showing words for COERCIVELY using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Coercively


8 Letter Words for Coercively

coercive, covercle, oricycle

7 Letter Words for Coercively

cicoree, clovery, crevice, liveyer, overlie, recoyle, recycle, releivo, relievo, revoice, viceroy

6 Letter Words for Coercively

ceiler, celery, cercle, ceryle, cicely, cicero, cilery, circle, civory, cleric, clever, cliver, clover, cloyer, coerce, coiler, corcle, corvee, creole, cycler, eerily, everly, eviler, levier, liever, livery, livyer, lovery, lovier, oilery, oliver, overly, recoil, relevy, relive, relove, reveil, revile, veiler, velcro, veloce, verily, violer, virole, voicer, volery, volyer, yelver

5 Letter Words for Coercively

cecil, ceile, ceorl, cerci, ceric, ceryl, cicer, circe, cleve, clive, clove, cloye, clyer, coley, colic, corey, corve, coryl, cover, covey, coyer, crecy, creel, criey, crile, croyl, cycle, cyclo, ecole, elver, eolic, ervil, every, ivory, leery, lever, levir, lieve, liver, livor, livre, loire, loric, lovee, lover, lovey, lycee, lyric, oiler, oleic, olive, oriel, ovile, recce, recco, reccy, reice, reive, relic, relie, reoil, revel, revie, ricey, rieve, riley, rivel, roily, veery, veily, velic, viler, vireo, voice, voile

4 Letter Words for Coercively

ceil, cele, cere, cero, ciel, circ, cire, cirl, cive, civy, clee, clio, cliv, cloy, coil, coir, cole, coli, coly, core, corv, cory, cove, cric, croc, croy, cycl, ecce, eccl, ecco, ecol, eely, eire, eiry, elec, elev, elve, eole, eorl, eric, erie, ever, evil, evoe, eyer, eyre, icer, ivry, leer, leir, lere, leve, levi, levo, levy, lice, lier, lire, live, loci, loir, lore, lori, lory, love, lyre, oeci, oily, orle, orly, over, ovey, oyer, reel, rely, reve, rice, ricy, riel, rile, rive, rivo, roey, roil, role, rove, veer, veil, vele, velo, veri, very, vice, vier, vile, viol, virl, vlei, voce, vole, vril, ycie, yeel, yere, yeve, yore

3 Letter Words for Coercively

cee, cel, ceo, cer, cie, cir, civ, cli, clo, clr, cly, col, cor, coy, crc, crl, cro, cry, cyc, cyl, ecc, eco, eec, eel, eer, eir, eli, ere, eve, eye, eyl, eyr, ice, icy, ile, ilo, ire, ive, ivy, iyo, lee, lei, leo, ler, lev, ley, lie, lir, loc, loe, lor, loy, lyc, lye, oer, oie, oil, ole, orc, ore, orl, ory, oye, rec, ree, rei, rel, rev, rie, rio, riv, rle, rly, roc, roe, roi, rye, vcr, vee, vei, vel, ver, vic, vie, vil, vly, voc, voe, vol, vor, yee, yeo, yer, yoe, yoi, yor

Definitions for Coercively

[1] serving or tending to coerce.

Words related to Coercively

coerciveeffectively, energetically, hard, mightily, powerfully, strongly, vigorously, compulsorily

Words nearby Coercively

coercivecoenzyme q 10, coequal, coerce, coercimeter, coercion, coercive, coercive force, coercivity, coesite, coessential, coetaneous

Origin of Coercively

First recorded in 1590–1600; coerce + -ive

Other words from Coercively

co·er·cive·ly , adverb
co·er·cive·ness , noun
non·co·er·cive , adjective
non·co·er·cive·ly , adverb
non·co·er·cive·ness , noun

Synonyms for Coercively

effectively, by force, compulsorily, energetically, hard, mightily, powerfully, strongly, under protest, vigorously