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Showing words for COEXTENDING using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Coextending
9 Letter Words for Coextending
congenite, endogenic, extending, nondeceit, xenogenic
8 Letter Words for Coextending
coextend, denoting, detoxing, ecgonine, encoding, exogenic, genetoid, genocide, geodetic, incented, incogent, indecent, neotenic, ogenetic, teending
7 Letter Words for Coextending
codeine, coigned, condign, condite, coneine, congeed, contend, ctenoid, denting, deontic, ecgonin, enceint, endeign, endnote, endogen, engined, enticed, entonic, excited, exciton, exigent, genetic, gondite, indogen, ingoted, intoned, needing, nineted, nointed, noticed, onegite, teening, tending, tenoned
6 Letter Words for Coextending
cedent, ceding, ceinte, cenote, centon, cinene, coding, coedit, cogent, coigne, coined, condie, coneen, conged, congee, conine, coning, conite, conned, connex, connie, contex, contin, coteen, coting, coxing, coxite, deceit, decent, decine, decnet, deeing, dennet, denote, dentex, dentin, dingee, ditone, docent, dogtie, doigte, doning, donnee, doting, edenic, eident, encode, endent, endict, ending, endite, engine, ennoic, enoint, entice, entone, excide, excite, exited, exodic, exogen, exonic, exotic, extend, extine, genion, genned, gennet, geodic, geotic, gideon, ginete, ginned, ginnet, goetic, idence, ignote, incede, incend, incent, indene, indent, indone, ingene, ingent, inogen, intend, intoed, intone, necton, neednt, negoce, neoned, nicene, nidget, nocent, noetic, notice, noting, octene, octine, ointed, ondine, onding, teeing, tendon, tiedog, tignon, tinged, tinned, toeing, tonged, toning, toxine
5 Letter Words for Coextending
ceint, centi, cento, cetin, cited, citee, coden, codex, cogie, cogit, coign, coing, coned, conge, conin, conne, contd, conte, contg, coted, coxed, ctene, decon, deice, deign, denet, detin, detox, dexie, dicot, diego, diene, digne, dinge, dingo, dogie, doigt, doing, donec, donee, donet, donne, doxie, ecoid, edict, edite, eigne, eneid, enent, engin, enode, exdie, exect, exine, exing, exion, exite, exode, genet, genic, genie, genin, genio, genit, geode, geoid, getid, gnide, godet, gondi, gonid, gonne, ident, incog, index, ingot, inned, innet, inone, needn, nidge, niece, niton, nixed, nixon, noint, nonce, nonet, nonic, noted, oenin, ogeed, oncet, oncin, onned, ontic, oxide, tecon, tedge, teend, teind, tendo, tenge, tenio, tenne, tenno, tenon, ticed, tigon, tined, tinge, tondi, toned, tonic, tonne, toxic, toxin, xenic, xenon
4 Letter Words for Coextending
cede, cedi, cene, cent, cete, ceti, cide, cine, cion, cite, cito, code, coed, coin, coit, cond, cone, cong, coni, conn, cont, cote, ctge, deco, deen, deet, dene, deni, dent, deti, detn, dice, dict, diet, dine, ding, dino, dint, dioc, dite, doen, doge, doit, done, dong, doni, dont, dote, ecod, econ, ecto, eden, edge, edit, eide, eine, ende, endo, ened, ento, eten, etic, eton, exec, exed, exit, exon, extg, geed, geet, geic, gein, geit, gene, gent, geod, gied, gien, ginn, gite, gode, goen, gond, gone, gote, iced, icod, icon, idee, ideo, inde, indn, ingo, inne, into, iode, need, neet, nein, nene, neon, nete, neti, next, nice, nide, nied, nine, niog, nito, nixe, node, nodi, noex, noix, none, nong, note, odic, odin, oeci, ogee, oint, once, otic, otxi, oxen, oxid, teed, teen, tend, tene, teng, tice, tide, tied, tien, tige, tinc, tind, tine, ting, tode, toed, toge, tone, tong, tonn, xint
3 Letter Words for Coextending
cdg, cee, cen, ceo, cid, cie, cig, cit, cod, cog, con, cot, cox, cte, ctg, ctn, cto, dec, dee, deg, dei, den, det, dex, die, dig, din, dit, dix, doc, doe, dog, don, dot, ecg, eco, ect, edo, eec, eeg, een, ego, enc, end, ene, eng, eon, etc, exc, ext, gcd, ged, gee, gen, geo, get, gid, gie, gin, gio, git, god, goi, gon, got, gox, gtc, gtd, gte, ice, ide, ido, ign, inc, ind, ing, inn, int, ion, itd, nco, ned, nee, neg, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nig, nit, nix, nne, nod, nog, non, not, nox, oct, ode, oie, one, oni, ont, otc, tec, ted, tee, teg, ten, tex, tgn, tic, tid, tie, tig, tin, tng, toc, tod, toe, tog, toi, ton, tox, xed
Definitions for Coextending
[1] to extend equally through the same space or duration.
[2] to extend or cause to extend equally in space or time
Words nearby Coextending
coextendcoevolve, coexecutor, coexecutrix, coexist, coexistence, coextend, coextensive, coextrusion, cofactor, cofc, cofeature
Origin of Coextending
First recorded in 1610–20; co- + extend
Other words from Coextending
co·ex·ten·sion [koh-ik-sten -shuh n] /ˌkoʊ ɪkˈstɛn ʃən/ , noun
Synonyms for Coextending
coordinate, lateral, alongside, coextensive, equidistant, extending equally, in the same direction, laterally, never meeting, running alongside