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Showing words for COLLATERAL using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Collateral
8 Letter Words for Collateral
7 Letter Words for Collateral
6 Letter Words for Collateral
5 Letter Words for Collateral
4 Letter Words for Collateral
3 Letter Words for Collateral
Definitions for Collateral
[1] security pledged for the payment of a loan: He gave the bank some stocks and bonds as collateral for the money he borrowed.
[2] Anatomy . a subordinate or accessory part. a side branch, as of a blood vessel or nerve. collateral circulation.
[3] a relative descended from the same stock, but in a different line.
[4] accompanying; auxiliary: He received a scholarship and collateral aid.
[5] additional; confirming: collateral evidence; collateral security.
[6] secured by collateral: a collateral loan.
[7] aside from the main subject, course, etc.; secondary: These accomplishments are merely collateral to his primary goal.
[8] descended from the same stock, but in a different line; not lineal: A cousin is a collateral relative.
[9] pertaining to those so descended.
[10] situated at the side: a collateral wing of a house.
[11] situated or running side by side; parallel: collateral ridges of mountains.
[12] Botany . standing side by side.
[13] security pledged for the repayment of a loan (as modifier ) a collateral loan
[14] a person, animal, or plant descended from the same ancestor as another but through a different line
[15] situated or running side by side
[16] descended from a common ancestor but through different lines
[17] serving to support or corroborate
[18] aside from the main issue
[19] uniting in tendency
Words related to Collateral
ancillary, supporting, satellite, concomitant, auxiliary, complementary, dependent, lateral, parallel, accessory, incident, roundabout, subsidiary, coordinate, subordinate, attendant, tributary, side, sub, adjuvant
Words nearby Collateral
collared peccary, collaret, collarette, collat., collate, collateral, collateral artery, collateral circulation, collateral damage, collateral fissure, collateral hyperemia
Origin of Collateral
1350–1400; Middle English (< Anglo-French ) < Medieval Latin collaterālis, equivalent to col- col-1 + laterālis lateral
Other words from Collateral
col·lat·er·al·i·ty [koh-lat-uh -ral -i-tee] /koʊˌlæt əˈræl ɪ ti/ , col·lat·er·al·ness , noun
col·lat·er·al·ly , adverb
col•lat′ er•al•ly adv.
Word origin for Collateral
C14: from Medieval Latin collaterālis, from Latin com- together + laterālis of the side, from latus side
Synonyms for Collateral
ancillary, accessory, adjuvant, attendant, auxiliary, complementary, concomitant, coordinate, dependent, incident, lateral, parallel, roundabout, satellite, side, sub, subordinate, subsidiary, supporting, tributary, accompanying, added, adjunctive, appurtenant, circuitous, coincident, concurrent, confirmatory, corresponding, corroborative, not lineal, related, subservient, under