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Showing words for COLLECT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Collect
6 Letter Words for Collect
5 Letter Words for Collect
4 Letter Words for Collect
3 Letter Words for Collect
Definitions for Collect
[1] to gather together; assemble: The professor collected the students' exams.
[2] to accumulate; make a collection of: to collect stamps.
[3] to receive or compel payment of: to collect a bill.
[4] to regain control of (oneself or one's thoughts, faculties, composure, or the like): At the news of her promotion, she took a few minutes to collect herself.
[5] to call for and take with one: He drove off to collect his guests. They collected their mail.
[6] Manège . to bring (a horse) into a collected attitude.
[7] Archaic . to infer.
[8] to gather together; assemble: The students collected in the assembly hall.
[9] to accumulate: Rain water collected in the barrel.
[10] to receive payment (often followed by on ): He collected on the damage to his house.
[11] to gather or bring together books, stamps, coins, etc., usually as a hobby: He's been collecting for years.
[12] Manège . (of a horse) to come into a collected attitude.
[13] requiring payment by the recipient: a collect telephone call; a telegram sent collect.
[14] any of certain brief prayers used in Western churches especially before the epistle in the communion service.
[15] to gather together or be gathered together
[16] to accumulate (stamps, books, etc) as a hobby or for study
[17] (tr) to call for or receive payment of (taxes, dues, etc)
[18] (tr) to regain control of (oneself, one's emotions, etc) as after a shock or surprise he collected his wits
[19] (tr) to fetch; pick up collect your own post ; he collected the children after school
[20] (intr sometimes foll by on ) slang to receive large sums of money, as from an investment he really collected when the will was read
[21] (tr) Australian and NZ informal to collide with; be hit by
[22] collect on delivery the US term for cash on delivery
[23] US (of telephone calls) on a reverse-charge basis
[24] Australian informal a winning bet
[25] Christianity a short Church prayer generally preceding the lesson or epistle in Communion and other services
Words related to Collect
amass, compile, gather, assemble, save, raise, solicit, secure, group, congress, cluster, muster, aggregate, rendezvous, converge, convene, convoke, stockpile, heap, corral
Words nearby Collect
collateralized debt obligation, collation, collative, collator, colleague, collect, collect call, collect on delivery, collectable, collectanea, collected
Origin of Collect
21150–1200; Middle English collecte < Medieval Latin, short for ōrātiō ad collēctam prayer at collection (see collect1)
Word origin for Collect
C13: from Medieval Latin collecta (from the phrase ōrātiō ad collēctam prayer at the (people's) assembly), from Latin colligere to collect 1
Synonyms for Collect
amass, assemble, compile, gather, save, aggregate, array, cluster, congregate, congress, convene, converge, convoke, corral, flock, group, heap, hoard, muster, rally, rendezvous, stockpile, flock together, get hold of, round up, scare up