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Showing words for COLLEGE using the English dictionary
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Definitions for College
[1] an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training. Compare university.
[2] a constituent unit of a university, furnishing courses of instruction in the liberal arts and sciences, usually leading to a bachelor's degree.
[3] an institution for vocational, technical, or professional instruction, as in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, or music, often a part of a university.
[4] an endowed, self-governing association of scholars incorporated within a university, as at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England.
[5] a similar corporation outside a university.
[6] the building or buildings occupied by an institution of higher education.
[7] the administrators, faculty, and students of a college.
[8] (in Britain and Canada) a private secondary school.
[9] an organized association of persons having certain powers and rights, and performing certain duties or engaged in a particular pursuit: The electoral college formally selects the president.
[10] a company; assemblage.
[11] Also called collegium. a body of clergy living together on a foundation for religious service or similar activity.
[12] British Slang . a prison.
[13] an institution of higher education; part of a university
[14] a school or an institution providing specialized courses or teaching a college of music
[15] the building or buildings in which a college is housed
[16] the staff and students of a college
[17] an organized body of persons with specific rights and duties an electoral college See also Sacred College
[18] a body of clerics living in community and supported by endowment
[19] mainly British an obsolete slang word for prison
Words related to College
institute, university, organization, association, lyceum, seminary
Words nearby College
collector, collector electrode, collector's item, collectorate, colleen, college, college board, college of advanced technology, college of cardinals, college of education, college of justice
Origin of College
1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French, Middle French < Latin collēgium, equivalent to col- col-1 + lēg-, variant stem of legere to gather + -ium -ium; cf. colleague
Other words from College
post·col·lege , noun, adjective
pre·col·lege , noun, adjective
sub·col·lege , noun
Word origin for College
C14: from Latin collēgium company, society, band of associates, from collēga; see colleague
Synonyms for College
association, institute, lyceum, organization, seminary, university, alma mater, brainery, halls of ivy, halls of knowledge