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Showing words for COLLIDE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Collide
6 Letter Words for Collide
5 Letter Words for Collide
4 Letter Words for Collide
3 Letter Words for Collide
Definitions for Collide
[1] to strike one another or one against the other with a forceful impact; come into violent contact; crash: The two cars collided with an ear-splitting crash.
[2] to clash; conflict: Their views on the matter collided.
[3] to cause to collide: drivers colliding their cars in a demolition derby.
[4] to crash together with a violent impact
[5] to conflict in attitude, opinion, or desire; clash; disagree
Words related to Collide
smash, crash, shatter, bump, bang, strike, hit, sideswipe, crunch, clash, pulverize, beat, scrap, splinter, disagree, jolt, fragment, conflict
Words nearby Collide
colleterial gland, collette, colliculectomy, colliculitis, colliculus, collide, collider, colliding-beam machine, collie, collier, colliery
Origin of Collide
1615–25; < Latin collīdere to strike together, equivalent to col- col-1 + -līdere, combining form of laedere to strike
Word origin for Collide
C17: from Latin collīdere to clash together, from com- together + laedere to strike, wound
Synonyms for Collide
bang, break up, bump, crash, hit, shatter, sideswipe, smash, strike, beat, clash, conflict, crunch, disagree, fragment, jolt, pulverize, scrap, splinter, fender-bend, meet head-on, pile up, plow into, wrack up