9 Letter Words for Combating
7 Letter Words for Combating
boating, botanic, cabotin, cambion, cantimo, coaming, coating, cognati, combing, comtian, cotinga, moating, timbang, tombing
6 Letter Words for Combating
acting, action, agonic, angico, anomic, atimon, atomic, atonic, bagnio, bating, batino, bianco, bimong, bogman, bogmat, bonaci, bonita, cambio, camino, camion, cating, cation, cobang, cogman, combat, coming, comint, conima, contam, coting, cotman, gabion, gambit, gamont, gitano, gnomic, goniac, intomb, macing, manbot, manioc, manito, mantic, matico, mating, monact, monica, montia, oatbin, obtain, ogamic, taming, tombac, tombic
5 Letter Words for Combating
acing, acoin, actin, acton, ambit, ambon, amigo, amino, amnic, amnio, among, animo, antic, ating, bacin, bacon, bagio, baign, baioc, banco, banig, baton, bigam, bigot, bingo, biont, biota, bogan, boing, botan, cabin, cabio, cabot, cagit, cagot, canto, coati, cobia, cogit, coign, coing, combi, conga, conia, conta, contg, cotan, ctimo, gabon, gambo, gamic, gamin, giant, goban, gonia, ibota, imago, imban, imbat, imcnt, inact, incog, ingot, inoma, macon, magic, magot, maint, mangi, mango, manic, manit, manoc, manto, matin, minot, monic, naomi, ngaio, ngoma, niota, nomia, nomic, obang, obmit, octan, ogmic, omani, omina, oncia, ontic, tabic, tabog, taino, tambo, tamin, tangi, tango, tiang, tigon, timbo, timon, tinca, toman, tomia, tomin, tonga, tonic
4 Letter Words for Combating
abit, actg, agin, agio, agit, agni, agon, aint, aion, ambo, amic, amin, amit, amon, ango, anim, anti, atmo, atoc, atom, bact, bago, baic, bain, bait, banc, bang, bani, bant, biga, bima, bing, bino, bint, biog, bion, bito, boat, boca, boga, boma, bomi, bona, bong, bota, boti, cain, camb, cami, camo, cang, cant, caon, ciao, cima, cion, cito, coat, coin, coit, coma, comb, cong, coni, cont, gabi, gain, gait, gamb, gant, gnat, goat, gobi, iago, iamb, icao, icbm, icon, iman, inca, inga, ingo, inta, into, iota, itmo, mabi, maco, magi, main, mang, mani, mano, mant, maoi, mian, mica, mico, ming, mino, mint, moan, moat, moca, moit, mona, mong, mont, mota, nagi, naib, naig, naio, naoi, nato, ngai, nimb, niog, nito, noma, nota, oban, obia, obit, octa, ogam, oint, oman, omit, omni, onca, otic, tabi, taco, taig, tain, tang, tiao, tinc, ting, toga, tomb, tong
3 Letter Words for Combating
abc, abm, abn, abo, abt, act, ago, agt, aim, ain, ait, amb, ami, amt, anc, ant, aob, atm, bac, bag, bai, bam, ban, bat, big, bim, bin, bio, bit, boa, boc, bog, bom, bon, bot, cab, cag, cai, cam, can, cat, cgm, cia, cig, cit, cob, cog, com, con, cot, ctg, ctn, cto, gab, gam, gan, gat, gib, gim, gin, gio, git, gmt, goa, gob, goi, gon, got, gtc, iao, iba, ibm, ign, imo, inc, ing, int, ion, ita, mab, mac, mag, man, mao, mat, mba, mcg, mgt, mia, mib, mic, mig, min, mit, mna, moa, mob, moc, mog, moi, mon, mot, mtg, mtn, nab, nag, nam, nat, nbg, nco, nib, nig, nim, nit, noa, nob, nog, nom, not, oam, oat, oba, obi, oca, oct, omb, ona, oni, ont, otc, tab, tag, tai, tam, tan, tao, tgn, tib, tic, tig, tim, tin, tng, toa, tob, toc, tog, toi, tom, ton
Definitions for Combating
[1] to fight or contend against; oppose vigorously: to combat crime.
[2] to battle; contend: to combat with disease.
[3] Military . active, armed fighting with enemy forces.
[4] a fight, struggle, or controversy, as between two persons, teams, or ideas.
[5] a fight, conflict, or struggle
[6] an action fought between two military forces (as modifier ) a combat jacket
[7] single combat a fight between two individuals; duel
[8] close combat or hand-to-hand combat fighting at close quarters
[9] (tr) to fight or defy
[10] (intr; often foll by with or against) to struggle or strive (against); be in conflict (with) to combat against disease
Words related to Combating
combatwithstand, cope, fight, resist, repel, oppose, contend, buck, duel, engage, clash, contest, defy, traverse, struggle, battle, strive, war, dispute
Words nearby Combating
combatcomb-footed spider, comb-out, comb-over, comb., combahee, combat, combat boot, combat fatigue, combat infantryman badge, combat neurosis, combat team
Origin of Combating
1535–45; < Middle French combat (noun), combattre (v.) < Late Latin combattere, equivalent to Latin com- com- + Late Latin battere, for Latin battuere to strike, beat
Other words from Combating
com·bat·a·ble , adjective
in·ter·com·bat , noun
pre·com·bat , noun, verb, pre·com·bat·ed, pre·com·bat·ing or (especially British ) pre·com·bat·ted, pre·com·bat·ting.
self-com·bat·ing , adjective
un·com·bat·a·ble , adjective
un·com·bat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Combating
C16: from French, from Old French combattre, from Vulgar Latin combattere (unattested), from Latin com- with + battuere to beat, hit
Synonyms for Combating
cope, fight, oppose, repel, resist, withstand, battle, buck, clash, contend, contest, defy, dispute, duel, engage, strive, struggle, traverse, war, cross swords with, do battle with, go up against, put up a fight, shoot it out