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Showing words for COMFORTING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Comforting


8 Letter Words for Comforting

coniform, crofting, motoring

7 Letter Words for Comforting

comfort, confirm, conform, confort, congrio, cooming, croming, footing, forcing, forming, forting, monitor, monotic, mooring, mooting, moronic, motoric, omicron, roofing, rooming, rooting, tooming, trionfo, tromino

6 Letter Words for Comforting

citron, cogito, comfit, coming, comino, comint, confit, cooing, coring, cortin, coting, cotoin, crotin, croton, fictor, forgot, forint, formic, formin, fortin, frigot, gnomic, igorot, inform, inocor, micron, mooing, morion, morong, motion, motrin, norito, octroi, omotic, rooing, roting, toforn, tomorn, tomrig, torino, tricon, trigon, trogon

5 Letter Words for Comforting

cogit, cogon, coign, coing, confr, congo, contg, conto, contr, corgi, corni, corno, croft, croon, ctimo, fogon, fomor, forgo, front, froom, giron, gonif, gonof, goric, grift, grint, griot, groin, gront, groof, groom, groot, imcnt, incog, incor, ingot, inorg, intro, iortn, micro, minor, minot, mongo, monic, moong, moorn, moric, morin, moroc, moron, motif, moton, motor, nitro, nomic, nomoi, norit, ogmic, ontic, orcin, orgic, orion, romic, ronco, rooti, tigon, timon, timor, tomin, tonic, toric, trigo, troco, troic, tronc

4 Letter Words for Comforting

cion, cito, coft, coif, coin, coir, coit, comr, conf, cong, coni, cont, coof, coom, coon, coot, corf, corm, corn, cort, coto, crig, crim, crin, crit, fico, fict, figo, fino, firm, firn, fogo, foin, fono, font, foon, foot, form, fort, frig, frim, frit, frog, from, frot, gift, girn, giro, girt, goof, goon, goor, gorm, goto, grim, grin, grit, grot, icon, incr, info, ingo, inro, into, intr, iron, itmo, mico, ming, mino, mint, miro, moco, mogo, moio, moir, moit, mong, mono, mont, mooi, moon, moor, moot, morg, morn, moro, mort, niog, nito, noir, nori, norm, oint, omit, omni, onto, oont, orig, otic, rift, ring, riot, roin, roit, rong, ront, roof, room, roon, root, rotc, roti, roto, tinc, ting, toco, togo, tong, toom, toon, torc, tori, torn, toro, trig, trim, trin, trio, trog, tron

3 Letter Words for Comforting

cfi, cfm, cgm, cif, cig, cir, cit, cog, com, con, coo, cor, cot, cro, crt, ctf, ctg, ctn, cto, ctr, fgn, fig, fin, fir, fit, fmt, fog, fon, foo, for, fot, frg, fri, fro, frt, gif, gim, gin, gio, git, gmt, goi, gon, goo, gor, got, grf, gro, gtc, ifc, ign, imf, imo, inc, inf, ing, int, iof, ion, mcf, mcg, mfg, mfr, mgr, mgt, mic, mig, min, mir, mit, moc, mog, moi, mon, moo, mor, mot, mri, mtg, mtn, nco, nig, nim, nit, nog, nom, noo, nor, not, oct, ofo, oft, oni, ono, ont, oof, oom, oon, oor, oot, orc, orf, org, ort, otc, oto, rct, rif, rig, rim, rin, rio, rit, roc, rog, roi, rom, ron, roo, rot, rti, tfr, tgn, tic, tig, tim, tin, tng, toc, tog, toi, tom, ton, too, tor, trf, tri, trm

Definitions for Comforting

[1] affording comfort or solace.
[2] to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to: They tried to comfort her after her loss.
[3] to make physically comfortable.
[4] Obsolete . to aid; support or encourage.
[5] relief in affliction; consolation; solace: Her presence was a comfort to him.
[6] a feeling of relief or consolation: Her forgiveness afforded him great comfort.
[7] a person or thing that gives consolation: She was a great comfort to him.
[8] a cause or matter of relief or satisfaction: The patient's recovery was a comfort to the doctor.
[9] a state of ease and satisfaction of bodily wants, with freedom from pain and anxiety: He is a man who enjoys his comfort.
[10] something that promotes such a state: His wealth allows him to enjoy a high degree of comfort.
[11] Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. a comforter or quilt.
[12] Obsolete . strengthening aid; assistance.
[13] a state of ease or well-being
[14] relief from affliction, grief, etc
[15] a person, thing, or event that brings solace or ease
[16] obsolete support
[17] (usually plural) something that affords physical ease and relaxation
[18] to ease the pain of; soothe; cheer
[19] to bring physical ease to

Words related to Comforting

soothing, encouraging, refreshing, reassuring, invigorating, curing, sustaining, remedying, relieving, inspiriting, abating, consoling, alleviating, warming, lightening, mitigating, analeptic, consolatory, heart-warming

Words nearby Comforting

comfort woman, comfort zone, comfortable, comfortable as an old shoe, as, comforter, comforting, comfrey, comfy, comic, comic book, comic opera

Origin of Comforting

1175–1225; (v.) Middle English comfortien, variant of confortien, conforten < Anglo-French, Old French conforter < Late Latin confortāre to strengthen, equivalent to con- con- + -fortāre verbal derivative of Latin fortis strong; (noun) Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French, noun derivative of the v.

Words that may be confused with Comforting

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, comfortcomfit, comfort

Other words from Comforting

com·fort·ing·ly , adverb
un·com·fort·ing , adjective
com·fort·less , adjective
un·com·fort·ed , adjective

Word origin for Comforting

C13: from Old French confort, from Late Latin confortāre to strengthen very much, from Latin con- (intensive) + fortis strong

Synonyms for Comforting

encouraging, reassuring, refreshing, soothing, abating, allaying, alleviating, assuaging, consoling, curing, freeing, inspiriting, invigorating, lightening, mitigating, relieving, remedying, restoring, revitalizing, revivifying, softening, solacing, succoring, sustaining, tranquilizing, upholding, warming, analeptic, consolatory, health-giving, heart-warming