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Showing words for COMIC using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Comic


4 Letter Words for Comic


3 Letter Words for Comic

ccm, com, imo, mic, moc, moi

Definitions for Comic

[1] of, relating to, or characterized by comedy: comic opera.
[2] of or relating to a person who acts in or writes comedy: a comic actor; a comic dramatist.
[3] of, relating to, or characteristic of comedy: comic situations; a comic sense.
[4] provoking laughter; humorous; funny; laughable.
[5] a comedian.
[6] comic book.
[7] comics, comic strips.
[8] the comic, the element or quality of comedy in literature, art, drama, etc.: An appreciation of the comic came naturally to her.
[9] of, relating to, characterized by, or characteristic of comedy
[10] (prenominal) acting in, writing, or composing comedy a comic writer
[11] humorous; funny
[12] a person who is comic, esp a comic actor; comedian
[13] a book or magazine containing comic strips
[14] (usually plural) mainly US and Canadian comic strips in newspapers, etc

Words related to Comic

humorist, comedian, stooge, clown, wag, jester, jokester, joker, wit, buffoon, card, banana, droll, funnyman, quipster

Words nearby Comic

comfortable as an old shoe, as, comforter, comforting, comfrey, comfy, comic, comic book, comic opera, comic relief, comic strip, comic-opera

Origin of Comic

1350–1400; Middle English < Latin cōmicus < Greek kōmikós, equivalent to kôm(os ) a revel + -ikos -ic

Words that may be confused with Comic

comedic, comic, comical

Other words from Comic

non·com·ic , adjective, noun
qua·si-com·ic , adjective
sem·i·com·ic , adjective
un·com·ic , adjective

Word origin for Comic

C16: from Latin cōmicus, from Greek kōmikos relating to comedy

Synonyms for Comic

clown, comedian, humorist, stooge, banana, buffoon, card, jester, joker, jokester, wag, wit, droll, funnyman, life of the party, million laughs, quipster, stand-up comic, top banana