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Showing words for COMMANDO using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Commando
7 Letter Words for Commando
6 Letter Words for Commando
5 Letter Words for Commando
4 Letter Words for Commando
3 Letter Words for Commando
Definitions for Commando
[1] (in World War II) any of the specially trained Allied military units used for surprise, hit-and-run raids against Axis forces. a member of any of these units. Compare ranger(def 3) .
[2] any military unit organized for operations similar to those of the commandos of World War II.
[3] a member of a military assault unit or team trained to operate quickly and aggressively in especially urgent, threatening situations, as against terrorists holding hostages.
[4] an amphibious military unit trained for raiding a member of such a unit
[5] the basic unit of the Royal Marine Corps
[6] (originally) an armed force raised by Boers during the Boer War
[7] (modifier) denoting or relating to a commando or force of commandos a commando raid ; a commando unit
[8] go commando informal to wear no underpants
Words related to Commando
fighter, mercenary, guerrilla, veteran, guard, officer, volunteer, marine, pilot, paratrooper, trooper, crew, terrorist, warrior, cadet, infantry, recruit, private, gunner, scout
Words nearby Commando
commander in chief, commandery, commanding, commanding officer, commandment, commando, commando operation, commando procedure, comme ci, comme ça, comme il faut, commeasurable
Origin of Commando
1785–95; < Afrikaans kommando raid, raiding party, a unit of militia < Portuguese commando unit commanded, noun derivative of commandar to command
Word origin for Commando
C19: from Afrikaans kommando, from Dutch commando command, from French commander to command
Synonyms for Commando
fighter, guard, guerrilla, marine, mercenary, officer, paratrooper, pilot, trooper, veteran, volunteer, GI, cadet, conscript, draftee, gunner, infantry, musketeer, private, rank, recruit, scout, warmonger, warrior, Green Beret, airforce member, cavalryperson, enlisted person, infantryperson, military person, selectee, serviceperson, soldier-at-arms