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Showing words for COMMEND using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Commend
5 Letter Words for Commend
4 Letter Words for Commend
3 Letter Words for Commend
Definitions for Commend
[1] to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.; recommend: to commend a friend to another; to commend an applicant for employment.
[2] to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence: I commend my child to your care.
[3] to cite or name with approval or special praise: to commend a soldier for bravery.
[4] Feudal Law . to place (oneself or one's land) under another's protection so as to become his vassal.
[5] Archaic . to recommend (a person) to the kind remembrance of another.
[6] to present or represent as being worthy of regard, confidence, kindness, etc; recommend
[7] to give in charge; entrust
[8] to express a good opinion of; praise
[9] to give the regards of commend me to your aunt
Words related to Commend
applaud, hail, laud, endorse, approve, extol, compliment, entrust, confer, acclaim, support, advocate, countenance, stroke, build, sanction, boost, eulogize, accredit, relegate
Words nearby Commend
commemoration, commemorative, commemoratory, commence, commencement, commend, commendable, commendam, commendation, commendatory, commensal
Origin of Commend
1350–1400; Middle English commenden < Latin commendāre, equivalent to com- com- + -mendāre, combining form of mandāre; see mandate
Words that may be confused with Commend
Other words from Commend
com·mend·a·ble , adjective
com·mend·er , noun
com·mend·ing·ly , adverb
o·ver·com·mend , verb (used with object)
sub·com·mend·ed , adjective
well-com·mend·ed , adjective
Word origin for Commend
C14: from Latin commendāre to commit to someone's care, from com- (intensive) + mandāre to entrust
Synonyms for Commend
applaud, approve, compliment, endorse, extol, hail, laud, acclaim, accredit, advocate, boost, build, countenance, eulogize, sanction, stroke, support, build up, give a posy, gold star, hand it to, hats off to, hear it for, kudize, pat on the back, puff up, speak highly of