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Showing words for COMMENTATIVE using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Commentative
10 Letter Words for Commentative
9 Letter Words for Commentative
antemetic, anticomet, cementoma, comminate, committee, emittance, mincemeat, omittance
8 Letter Words for Commentative
acoemeti, ammocete, ammonite, caviteno, civetone, coinmate, comitant, conative, enactive, evectant, evection, invocate, maconite, meantime, meconate, metacone, monetite, motivate, movement, notative, taconite, tantieme, ticement
7 Letter Words for Commentative
acetine, acetite, acetoin, acetone, aconite, ammonic, amniote, anomite, antoeci, attonce, aviette, canette, cantimo, catmint, catvine, cavemen, cavetti, cavetto, cementa, centavo, centime, centimo, cetonia, comamie, comment, comtian, convite, emicant, emicate, emmenia, emmenic, emotive, entomic, entotic, etamine, evitate, evocate, matinee, meatmen, memento, memetic, menacme, metonic, minette, miocene, mocmain, momenta, naivete, navette, nematic, nictate, nieveta, oceanet, ominate, oncetta, onetime, taction, tactive, taenite, teatime, tecomin, tectona, teniate, tetanic, tomenta, tonemic, tonetic, totemic, vection, venatic, venetia, venetic, vicomte, vietnam, vinetta, vomicae
6 Letter Words for Commentative
aceite, acetin, acmite, acoine, actine, action, active, aeonic, ammine, ammino, amtmen, ancome, anemic, anetic, anomic, anomie, atimon, atomic, atonic, attice, attone, atveen, avocet, camino, camion, cammie, camote, caoine, cation, cativo, cattie, ceinte, cement, cenote, centai, cetane, cevian, cevine, cinema, coatee, coatie, comate, comint, comite, commie, commit, comvia, conima, conite, contam, coteen, cotman, covent, covine, covite, emetia, emetic, emetin, emmove, enatic, encave, enmove, entame, entice, etamin, evince, evomit, iceman, icemen, immane, immote, incave, incavo, income, inmate, inmeat, intact, invect, ionate, maimon, manioc, manito, mantic, matico, mattie, mattin, meacon, meanie, meatic, mecate, mecati, menace, metate, micate, mitome, mitten, mnemic, moment, monact, moneme, monica, montem, montia, motive, movant, movent, native, navete, navite, nocive, noetic, notate, notice, novate, novice, octane, octant, octave, octene, octine, omenta, otiant, ottave, taimen, tainte, tamein, tamine, tammie, tantie, teameo, teetan, tenace, tenaim, teniae, tentie, tienta, tiento, tietac, titano, titman, titmen, tomcat, toment, toneme, tonite, vatmen, veneti, veneto, veniam, venice, venite, vineae, vintem, vittae, vocate, voeten, vomica, voteen
5 Letter Words for Commentative
acoin, acone, actin, acton, ainee, ameen, amene, ament, amice, amine, amino, ammon, amnic, amnio, amove, anime, animo, antic, atone, attic, avine, avion, cameo, canoe, canto, cavie, cavin, ceint, centi, cento, cetin, citee, civet, coate, coati, comae, comet, comma, comme, comte, conia, conta, conte, cotan, cotta, cotte, coven, covet, covin, ctene, ctimo, eaten, emane, emmet, emote, emove, enact, enami, enate, encia, enema, eniac, entea, entia, entom, entte, envoi, etiam, ettin, event, evict, evite, iconv, imcnt, immov, inact, inoma, macon, maine, maint, mamee, mamie, manei, manet, manic, manie, manit, manoc, manto, matie, matin, matte, matti, maven, mavie, meane, meant, mecon, meint, menat, menta, mento, metae, metic, mieve, mimeo, minae, mince, minot, mneme, monic, monie, monte, moten, motet, motte, movie, naeve, naevi, naive, nammo, naomi, navet, necia, neive, nevat, niece, nieve, niota, nitta, noemi, nomia, nomic, novae, novem, oaten, ocean, octan, octet, omani, omina, oncet, oncia, ontic, otate, ovant, ovate, ovine, tacet, tacit, taino, taint, tamin, tanti, tanto, tatie, tatin, teave, tecon, tecta, teman, temin, tenai, tenet, tenia, tenio, tevet, timet, timon, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, tmema, toman, tomia, tomin, tonic, totem, tovet, vatic, veena, venae, venie, venom, venta, vimen, vinca, vinea, vinet, vinta, vitae, vitta, vocat, voice, vomit
4 Letter Words for Commentative
acme, acne, aine, aint, aion, amen, amic, amie, amin, amit, ammi, ammo, amon, ance, anet, anim, ante, anti, atmo, atoc, atom, atte, attn, avie, cain, came, cami, camo, cane, cant, caon, cate, cave, cene, cent, cete, ceti, ciao, cima, cine, cion, cite, cito, cive, coat, coin, coit, coma, come, comm, cone, coni, cont, conv, cote, cott, cove, eave, econ, ecto, eevn, eine, emic, emit, emma, enam, ento, eoan, etat, eten, etic, etna, eton, even, evet, evoe, icao, icon, imam, iman, inca, inta, into, invt, iota, item, itmo, mace, maco, maim, main, mamo, mane, mani, mano, mant, maoi, mate, mean, meat, meet, mein, meio, meme, memo, mene, meno, ment, meta, mete, meve, miae, mian, mica, mice, mico, mien, mima, mime, mine, mino, mint, mite, mitt, mnem, moan, moat, moca, moet, moit, mome, momi, mona, mone, mont, mota, mote, mott, move, nace, naio, name, naoi, nato, nave, navi, neat, neem, neet, nema, nemo, nete, neti, neve, nevi, nevo, nice, nito, noma, nome, nota, note, nott, nova, octa, oeci, oime, oint, oman, omen, omit, omni, onca, once, otic, oven, tace, taco, tact, taen, tain, tait, tame, tane, tate, tave, team, tean, teat, teca, teem, teen, teet, teme, tene, tent, tete, tiao, tice, tien, time, tinc, tine, tint, tite, toat, toea, toit, tome, tone, tote, vain, vane, vant, veen, vein, vena, vent, veta, veto, vica, vice, vina, vine, vino, vint, vita, vite, voce, voet, vota, vote
3 Letter Words for Commentative
ace, act, aim, ain, ait, ame, ami, amt, anc, ane, ant, ate, atm, att, ave, avn, avo, cai, cam, can, cat, cav, cee, cen, ceo, cia, cie, cit, civ, com, con, cot, cte, ctn, cto, cva, eam, ean, eat, ecm, eco, ect, eec, een, eme, emo, enc, ene, env, eom, eon, eta, etc, eve, iao, ice, imo, inc, int, inv, ion, ita, iva, ive, mac, mae, mam, man, mao, mat, mea, mee, mei, mem, men, met, mia, mic, mim, min, mit, mna, moa, moc, moe, moi, mom, mon, mot, mtn, nae, nam, nat, nav, nco, nea, nee, nei, neo, net, nie, nim, nit, noa, nom, not, nov, oam, oat, oca, oct, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, otc, ova, tai, tam, tan, tao, tat, tav, tea, tec, tee, tem, ten, tet, tic, tie, tim, tin, tit, tmv, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, tom, ton, tot, tov, vac, vae, van, vat, vee, vei, vet, via, vic, vie, vim, vin, voc, voe, von
Definitions for Commentative
[1] of or relating to comment or commentary.
Words nearby Commentative
commensurate, comment, commentariat, commentary, commentate, commentative, commentator, commerce, commerce city, commercial, commercial agency
Origin of Commentative
First recorded in 1710–20; commentat(or) + -ive