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Showing words for COMMUNALLY using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Communally


8 Letter Words for Communally

columnal, communal, uncalmly

7 Letter Words for Communally

allonym, calumny, columna, communa, malonyl, unlocal, unloyal

6 Letter Words for Communally

alcumy, alcyon, allyou, amuyon, amylom, amylon, amylum, ancoly, callum, calmly, calyon, clammy, clonal, collum, collun, column, colyum, cullay, cyanol, layloc, lunacy, macoun, mallum, molman, monaul, onymal, uncall, uncalm, unclay, uncoly

5 Letter Words for Communally

alloy, almon, ammon, amylo, ayllu, callo, calmy, cauon, cloam, coaly, colla, colly, comal, comma, commy, conal, couma, coyan, culla, cully, culmy, cumal, cumay, cumly, cumol, cumyl, cyano, cymol, lammy, lanum, llano, loamy, local, locum, loyal, lucan, lumma, lummy, macon, malmo, malmy, malum, manly, manoc, manul, molal, molla, molly, monal, mouly, mulla, myall, mycol, myoma, nammo, nammu, noyau, nucal, nulla, nullo, numac, onlay, unamo, uncoy, unlay, yamun, yulan, yuman

4 Letter Words for Communally

aclu, acyl, alco, allo, ally, alum, ammo, ammu, amon, amoy, amyl, anyu, call, calm, calo, camo, cany, caon, caul, caum, clam, clan, clay, clon, clou, cloy, clum, coal, cola, coll, coly, coma, coml, comm, cony, coua, coul, coyn, cull, culm, cuon, cuya, cyan, cyma, cyon, cyul, lacy, lalo, lamm, laun, llyn, loam, loan, loca, locn, loma, loun, loyn, lucy, luna, luny, lyam, lyon, maco, mall, malm, malo, mamo, mano, many, maul, maun, mayo, moan, moca, mola, moll, moly, mona, mony, moul, moun, moya, moyl, mull, mulm, muon, myal, myna, noll, noma, noul, null, olam, olla, oman, onca, only, onym, ulan, ulla, ulmo, ulna, umma, unal, unca, unco, yalu, ymca, yuan, yuca, yuma

3 Letter Words for Communally

acy, alc, all, aln, alo, aly, amu, amy, anc, anu, any, aul, aum, ayu, cal, cam, can, cay, clo, cly, cml, col, com, con, coy, cul, cum, cun, cyl, lac, lam, lan, lao, lay, lca, lcm, llm, loa, loc, loy, lum, luo, lyc, lym, lyn, mac, mal, mam, man, mao, mau, may, mna, moa, moc, mol, mom, mon, mou, moy, mum, mun, mya, myc, mym, nam, nay, nco, noa, nol, nom, noy, nul, num, oam, oca, ola, olm, ona, ony, uca, ula, ull, uma, umm, una, unc, unl, yam, yan, yom, yon, you, yum

Definitions for Communally

[1] used or shared in common by everyone in a group: a communal jug of wine.
[2] of, by, or belonging to the people of a community; shared or participated in by the public: communal land; Building the playground was a communal project.
[3] pertaining to a commune or a community: communal life.
[4] engaged in by or involving two or more communities: communal conflict.
[5] belonging or relating to a community as a whole
[6] relating to different groups within a society communal strife
[7] of or relating to a commune or a religious community

Words related to Communally

communalconsistently, commonly, universally, collectively, ensemble, jointly, together, unanimously, wholly, cooperatively, unitedly, popularly, concertedly, consensually, harmoniously, undisputedly

Words nearby Communally

communalcommonwealth of nations, commorancy, commotion, commove, comms, communal, communal aerial, communal marriage, communalism, communality, communalize

Origin of Communally

1805–15; < French < Latin commūnālis, equivalent to commūn(e ) commune3 + -ālis -al1

Other words from Communally

com·mu·nal·ly , adverb
in·ter·com·mu·nal , adjective
non·com·mu·nal , adjective
non·com·mu·nal·ly , adverb
un·com·mu·nal , adjective

Synonyms for Communally

all at once, as a body, as a group, as a whole, as one, collectively, cooperatively, en bloc, ensemble, in a group, in chorus, in unison, jointly, together, unanimously, unitedly, wholly, with one voice