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Showing words for COMPACTED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Compacted

accompted, compacted

7 Letter Words for Compacted

accompt, capoted, coacted, coapted, compact, compted

6 Letter Words for Compacted

accept, adempt, apedom, camote, camped, capote, catdom, coated, coempt, comade, comate, comped, compte, decamp, decoat, decoct, docmac, moated, peacod, pomace, pomade, pomate, tamped, tampoe, toecap

5 Letter Words for Compacted

acted, adept, adopt, amped, apode, apted, cadet, cameo, campo, caped, capoc, capot, coact, coapt, coate, codec, comae, comdt, comet, compd, compt, comte, coped, coted, decap, demot, dempt, deota, depot, dompt, ectad, epact, macco, maced, mated, mecca, medoc, metad, moped, moted, occam, octad, opted, paced, pated, poted, tamed, taped, tempo, todea, toped

4 Letter Words for Compacted

acce, acct, aced, acme, acop, acpt, adet, amdt, aped, apod, ated, atmo, atoc, atom, atop, cace, cade, came, camo, camp, cape, capo, capt, cate, ceca, cepa, coat, coca, coct, coda, code, coed, coma, comd, come, comp, copa, cope, copt, cote, dace, dame, damp, date, dato, deco, demo, depa, dept, doat, dome, dopa, dope, dote, ecad, eccm, ecco, ecod, ecto, edam, emda, empt, mace, maco, made, mado, maed, mapo, mate, mead, meat, meta, moat, moca, mode, moed, moet, mope, mota, mote, octa, odea, opec, oped, pace, paco, pact, patd, pate, pato, peat, peda, peta, peto, poem, poet, pome, pote, tace, taco, tade, taed, tame, tamp, tape, tead, team, teap, teca, temp, tepa, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tome, tope

3 Letter Words for Compacted

acc, ace, act, adc, ade, adm, ado, adp, ame, amp, amt, apc, ape, apt, ate, atm, atp, cad, cam, cap, cat, ccm, ceo, cep, cmd, cod, com, cop, cot, cpa, cpd, cpm, cpo, cpt, cte, cto, dae, dam, dao, dap, dat, dca, dea, dec, dem, dep, det, doa, doc, doe, dom, dop, dot, dpt, ead, eam, eat, ecc, ecm, eco, ect, edo, edp, emo, emp, eom, epa, eta, etc, mac, mad, mae, mao, map, mat, mea, med, met, moa, moc, mod, moe, mop, mot, mtd, oad, oam, oat, oca, oct, oda, ode, opa, ope, opt, otc, pac, pad, pam, pat, pcm, pct, pea, pec, ped, pet, pmt, poa, pod, pom, pot, pta, pte, tad, tam, tao, tap, tcp, tea, tec, ted, tem, toa, toc, tod, toe, tom, top, tpd, tpm

Definitions for Compacted

[1] joined or packed together; closely and firmly united; dense; solid: compact soil.
[2] arranged within a relatively small space: a compact shopping center; a compact kitchen.
[3] designed to be small in size and economical in operation.
[4] solidly or firmly built: the compact body of a lightweight wrestler.
[5] expressed concisely; pithy; terse; not diffuse: a compact review of the week's news.
[6] composed or made (usually followed by of ): a book compact of form and content.
[7] Also bicompact. Mathematics . (of a set) having the property that in any collection of open sets whose union contains the given set there exists a finite number of open sets whose union contains the given set; having the property that every open cover has a finite subcover.
[8] to join or pack closely together; consolidate; condense.
[9] to make firm or stable.
[10] to form or make by close union or conjunction; make up or compose.
[11] Metallurgy . to compress (metallic or metallic and nonmetallic powders) in a die to be sintered.
[12] to crush into compact form for convenient disposal or for storage until disposal: to compact rubbish.
[13] a small case containing a mirror, face powder, a puff, and sometimes rouge.
[14] Also called compact car . an automobile that is smaller than an intermediate but larger than a subcompact and generally has a combined passenger and luggage volume of 100–110 cu. ft. (2.8–3.1 m3 ).
[15] Metallurgy . (in powder metallurgy) an object to be sintered formed of metallic or of metallic and nonmetallic powders compressed in a die.
[16] a formal agreement between two or more parties, states, etc.; contract: the proposed economic compact between Germany and France.
[17] closely packed together; dense
[18] neatly fitted into a restricted space
[19] concise; brief
[20] well constructed; solid; firm
[21] (foll by of) composed or made up (of)
[22] denoting a tabloid-sized version of a newspaper that has traditionally been published in broadsheet form
[23] logic (of a relation) having the property that for any pair of elements such that a is related to b, there is some element c such that a is related to c and c to b, as less than on the rational numbers
[24] US and Canadian (of a car) small and economical
[25] to pack or join closely together; compress; condense
[26] (foll by of) to create or form by pressing together sediment compacted of three types of clay
[27] metallurgy to compress (a metal powder) to form a stable product suitable for sintering
[28] a small flat case containing a mirror, face powder, etc, designed to be carried in a woman's handbag
[29] US and Canadian a comparatively small and economical car
[30] metallurgy a mass of metal prepared for sintering by cold-pressing a metal powder
[31] a tabloid-sized version of a newspaper that has traditionally been publis hed in broadsheet form
[32] an official contract or agreement

Words related to Compacted

compactsolid, tight, pact, covenant, compress, condense, firm, crowded, close, thick, packed, compressed, pointed, alliance, deal, understanding, engagement, stipulation, bargain

Words nearby Compacted

compactcomox, comp, comp time, comp., comp. gen., compact, compact bone, compact camera, compact disc, compact disc erasable, compact disc player

Origin of Compacted

21580–90; < Latin compactum, compectum, noun use of neuter of compactus (past participle of compacīscī to make an agreement), equivalent to com- com- + pac- (stem of pacīscī to secure by negotiation, akin to pāx settlement ending hostilities, peace) + -tus past participle ending

Other words from Compacted

com·pact·ed·ly , adverb
com·pact·ed·ness , noun
com·pact·ly , adverb
com·pact·ness , noun
un·com·pact·ed , adjective
well-com·pact·ed , adjective

Word origin for Compacted

C16: from Latin compactum, from compaciscī to agree, from com- together + paciscī to contract; see pact

Synonyms for Compacted

compress, condense, combine, concentrate, consolidate, contract, cram, integrate, pack, set, solidify, stuff, unify, unite