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Showing words for COMPASSED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Compassed
8 Letter Words for Compassed
7 Letter Words for Compassed
6 Letter Words for Compassed
5 Letter Words for Compassed
4 Letter Words for Compassed
3 Letter Words for Compassed
Definitions for Compassed
[1] an instrument for determining directions, as by means of a freely rotating magnetized needle that indicates magnetic north.
[2] the enclosing line or limits of any area; perimeter: You can find anything you want downtown within the compass of ten square blocks.
[3] space within limits; area; extent; range; scope: the narrow compass of the strait; the broad compass of the novel.
[4] Also called range. the total range of tones of a voice or of a musical instrument.
[5] due or proper limits; moderate bounds: Their behavior stayed within the compass of propriety.
[6] a passing round; circuit: the compass of a year.
[7] Often compasses. an instrument for drawing or describing circles, measuring distances, etc., consisting generally of two movable, rigid legs hinged to each other at one end (usually used with pair of ): to spread the legs of a compass and draw a larger circle.
[8] (initial capital letter ) Astronomy . Also called Mariner's Compass. the constellation Pyxis. Compasses, the constellation Circinus.
[9] curved; forming a curve or arc: a compass timber; compass roof.
[10] to go or move round; make the circuit of: It would take a week to compass his property on foot.
[11] to extend or stretch around; hem in; surround; encircle: An old stone wall compasses their property.
[12] to attain or achieve; accomplish; obtain.
[13] to contrive; plot; scheme: to compass a treacherous plan.
[14] to make curved or circular.
[15] to comprehend; to grasp, as with the mind: His mind could not compass the extent of the disaster.
[16] an instrument for finding direction, usually having a magnetized needle which points to magnetic north swinging freely on a pivot
[17] Also called: pair of compasses (often plural) an instrument used for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc, that consists of two arms, joined at one end, one arm of which serves as a pivot or stationary reference point, while the other is extended or describes a circle
[18] limits or range within the compass of education
[19] music the interval between the lowest and highest note attainable by a voice or musical instrument
[20] archaic a circular course
[21] to encircle or surround; hem in
[22] to comprehend or grasp mentally
[23] to achieve; attain; accomplish
[24] obsolete to plot
Words related to Compassed
compasspurview, domain, restriction, bound, sphere, radius, circumscription, enclosure, ambit, realm, zone, area, stretch, field, sweep, scope, circle, perimeter, environs, reach
Words nearby Compassed
compasscompartimento, compartment, compartmental, compartmentalize, compartmentation, compass, compass card, compass course, compass deviation, compass deviation card, compass north
Origin of Compassed
1250–1300; (v.) Middle English compassen < Old French compasser to measure < Vulgar Latin *compāssāre, equivalent to compāss(us ) equal step (Latin com- com- + pāssus pace1) + -āre v. suffix; (noun) Middle English compas < Old French, derivative of compasser
Other words from Compassed
com·pass·a·ble , adjective
com·pass·less , adjective
out·com·pass , verb (used with object)
pre·com·pass , verb (used with object), noun
un·com·pass·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Compassed
C13: from Old French compas, from compasser to measure, from Vulgar Latin compassāre (unattested) to pace out, ultimately from Latin passus step
Synonyms for Compassed
ambit, area, bound, circle, circuit, circumference, circumscription, confines, domain, enclosure, environs, expanse, extent, field, limit, limitation, orbit, perimeter, precinct, purlieus, purview, radius, range, reach, realm, restriction, round, scope, sphere, stretch, sweep, zone