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Showing words for COMPETITION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Competition


10 Letter Words for Competition


9 Letter Words for Competition


8 Letter Words for Competition

coemptio, contempo, contempt, emiction, emoticon, entoptic, epitomic, epitonic, impotent, ipomoein, metopion, monoptic, octopine, pentomic, petition, picotite, pimiento, poimenic

7 Letter Words for Competition

centimo, coition, comonte, compone, compote, comptie, contemp, coontie, coptine, emotion, emption, entomic, entopic, entotic, epiotic, incompt, meiotic, metonic, metopic, metopon, miction, mitotic, monepic, monotic, moonite, nepotic, opticon, pentoic, petitio, pimento, piotine, pitocin, pitomie, pittine, poetito, poietic, pomonic, tecomin, titmice, tompion, tonemic, tonetic, totemic

6 Letter Words for Competition

coempt, coinop, comino, comint, comite, compot, compte, conite, cootie, cotoin, cotton, ctenii, emptio, encoop, impent, impone, incept, incite, income, iniome, intice, intime, mincio, miotic, mitten, moonet, moonie, motion, noetic, notice, octine, omotic, oncome, optime, option, otitic, pectin, peinct, pentit, picein, picine, picote, pietic, pieton, piment, pinite, pionic, pitmen, pitten, poetic, pointe, pontic, pontie, poonce, potent, potion, potmen, ptotic, ticino, tiento, tiepin, tinpot, tintie, tipmen, tiponi, tiptoe, titien, titmen, tocome, toitoi, toment, tompon, tonite, toonie, topmen, topnet

5 Letter Words for Competition

ceint, centi, cento, cetin, coeno, comet, compo, compt, comte, conte, conto, coopt, copei, copen, cotte, ctimo, entom, ettin, iceni, imcnt, imine, imino, impen, impot, inept, ionic, mecon, meint, mento, metic, metoo, mince, minie, minot, monic, monie, monte, moten, motet, moton, motte, motto, nempt, nepit, netop, noemi, nomic, nomoi, ocote, octet, oncet, ontic, opine, optic, petit, petti, petto, picot, pinic, pinot, pinte, pinto, piton, point, ponce, ponto, potin, potti, potto, tecon, temin, tempo, tempt, tenio, timet, timon, tinct, tipit, tomin, tonic, tonto, topic, topoi, totem

4 Letter Words for Competition

cent, ceti, cine, cion, cipo, cite, cito, coin, coit, come, comp, cone, coni, cont, coom, coon, coop, coot, cope, copt, cote, coto, cott, econ, ecto, emic, emit, empt, ento, epic, epit, etic, eton, icon, imit, impi, init, inti, into, item, itmo, mein, meio, meno, ment, mice, mico, mien, mine, mini, mino, mint, mite, mitt, moco, moet, moio, moit, mone, mono, mont, mooi, moon, moop, moot, mope, mote, mott, nemo, neti, nice, nito, nome, noop, nope, note, nott, oeci, oime, oint, omen, omit, omni, once, onto, oont, opec, open, otic, otoe, otto, peni, pent, peon, peto, pice, pico, pict, pien, piet, pine, pino, pint, pion, pnce, poco, poem, poet, pome, pomo, pone, pont, poon, poot, pote, poti, pott, temp, tent, tice, tien, time, tinc, tine, tint, tipe, tipt, tite, titi, toco, toit, tome, tone, toom, toon, toop, toot, tope, topi, topo, tote, toto

3 Letter Words for Competition

cen, ceo, cep, cie, cit, com, con, coo, cop, cot, cpi, cpm, cpo, cpt, cte, ctn, cto, ecm, eco, ect, emo, emp, enc, eom, eon, epi, etc, ice, imi, imo, imp, inc, int, ion, ipm, ipo, mei, men, met, mic, min, mit, moc, moe, moi, mon, moo, mop, mot, mtn, nco, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nim, nip, nit, nom, noo, not, oct, oie, oii, one, oni, ono, ont, oom, oon, oop, oot, ope, opt, otc, oto, pci, pcm, pct, pec, pen, pet, pic, pie, pin, pit, pmt, poi, pom, pon, poo, pot, pte, ptt, tcp, tec, tem, ten, tet, tic, tie, tim, tin, tip, tit, tnt, toc, toe, toi, tom, ton, too, top, tot, tpi, tpm

Definitions for Competition

[1] the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.: The competition between the two teams was bitter.
[2] a contest for some prize, honor, or advantage: Both girls entered the competition.
[3] the rivalry offered by a competitor: The small merchant gets powerful competition from the chain stores.
[4] a competitor or competitors: What is your competition offering?
[5] Sociology . rivalry between two or more persons or groups for an object desired in common, usually resulting in a victor and a loser but not necessarily involving the destruction of the latter.
[6] Ecology . the struggle among organisms, both of the same and of different species, for food, space, and other vital requirements.
[7] the act of competing; rivalry
[8] a contest in which a winner is selected from among two or more entrants
[9] a series of games, sports events, etc
[10] the opposition offered by a competitor or competitors
[11] a competitor or competitors offering opposition
[12] ecology the struggle between individuals of the same or different species for food, space, light, etc, when these are inadequate to supply the needs of all

Words related to Competition

championship, clash, meeting, tournament, fight, trial, game, race, struggle, sport, rivalry, event, match, candidacy, run, contention, antagonism, tilt, puzzle, engagement

Words nearby Competition

compere, compete, competence, competency, competent, competition, competitive, competitive binding assay, competitive exclusion, competitive exclusion principle, competitive inhibition

Origin of Competition

1595–1605; < Late Latin competītiōn- (stem of competītiō ), equivalent to competīt(us ) (past participle of competere to meet, come together) + -iōn- -ion; sense influenced by competitor

Other words from Competition

non·com·pe·ti·tion , adjective
pro·com·pe·ti·tion , adjective
su·per·com·pe·ti·tion , noun

Synonyms for Competition

championship, clash, event, fight, game, match, meeting, race, rivalry, sport, struggle, tournament, trial, antagonism, bout, candidacy, contention, controversy, counteraction, emulation, encounter, engagement, jungle, matchup, opposition, puzzle, quiz, racing, run, strife, striving, tilt, tug-of-war, warfare, athletic event, concours, do or die, dog eat dog, go for it, go for the gold, horse race, one on one, one-upping, pairing off, rat race