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Showing words for COMPILE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Compile

compile, polemic

6 Letter Words for Compile

compel, peliom, police

5 Letter Words for Compile

celom, clime, clipe, clomp, copei, eolic, impel, loipe, melic, moile, molpe, oleic, ploce, pomel

4 Letter Words for Compile

ceil, ciel, cipo, clem, clep, clio, clip, clop, coil, cole, coli, colp, come, coml, comp, cope, ecol, emic, epic, epil, lice, lime, limo, limp, lipe, loci, lome, lope, meio, mice, mico, mile, milo, moil, mole, mope, oeci, oime, olpe, opec, pice, pico, pile, pilm, plie, plim, poem, poil, pole, pome

3 Letter Words for Compile

cel, ceo, cep, cie, cli, clo, cml, col, com, cop, cpi, cpl, cpm, cpo, ecm, eco, eli, elm, emo, emp, eom, epi, ice, ile, ilo, imo, imp, ipl, ipm, ipo, lcm, lei, lem, leo, lep, lie, lim, lip, loc, loe, lop, lpm, mei, mel, mic, mil, moc, moe, moi, mol, mop, oie, oil, ole, olm, olp, ope, pci, pcm, pec, pel, pic, pie, pil, pli, poi, pol, pom

Definitions for Compile

[1] to put together (documents, selections, or other materials) in one book or work.
[2] to make (a book, writing, or the like) of materials from various sources: to compile an anthology of plays; to compile a graph showing changes in profit.
[3] to gather together: to compile data.
[4] Computers . to translate (a computer program) from a high-level language into another language, usually machine language, using a compiler.
[5] to make or compose from other materials or sources to compile a list of names
[6] to collect or gather for a book, hobby, etc
[7] computing to create (a set of machine instructions) from a high-level programming language, using a compiler

Words related to Compile

cull, amass, organize, edit, glean, gather, collect, compose, assemble, arrange, consolidate, group, muster, abridge, unite, recapitulate, concentrate, collate, congregate, garner

Words nearby Compile

competitive inhibition, competitor, competitory, compilation, compilation film, compile, compiled language, compiler, compiègne, complacency, complacent

Origin of Compile

1275–1325; Middle English < Latin compīlāre to rob, pillage, steal from another writer, equivalent to com- com- + -pīlāre, perhaps akin to pīla column, pier, pile1, pīlāre to fix firmly, plant (hence, pile up, accumulate)

Other words from Compile

pre·com·pile , verb (used with object), pre·com·piled, pre·com·pil·ing.
re·com·pile , verb (used with object), re·com·piled, re·com·pil·ing.
un·com·piled , adjective
well-com·piled , adjective

Word origin for Compile

C14: from Latin compīlāre to pile together, plunder, from com- together + pīlāre to thrust down, pack

Synonyms for Compile

amass, arrange, assemble, collect, compose, cull, edit, gather, glean, organize, abridge, anthologize, collate, colligate, collocate, concentrate, congregate, consolidate, garner, group, marshal, muster, recapitulate, unite, bring together, draw together, get together, heap up, put together